Unit 3: Land Based Empires
Unit 4: Transoceanic Trade
Unit 5:Revolutions
Unit 6: Consequences of Industrialization
Mr.Cardon Trivia

How did the Ottoman Empire expand starting in the 14th century?

The adoption of gunpowder weapons led the Ottomans to control much of Southwestern Europe and Anatolia, including Constantinople which they took in 1453 and renamed Istanbul. The Ottomans enslaved Christians from the Balkans, converted them to Christianity and turned them into the best elite fighting force, the Janissaries. This helped them to keep expanding


How did adoptions and innovations in Maritime technology lead to European exploration?

Adoption of technology • Magnetic Compass from China • Astrolabe from Ancient Greece & Arab world (understanding of Latitude) • Lateen Sail from Arab World (cut through the wind) European innovations of technology • Shipbuilding ◊ Portuguese Caravel. Better able to navigate inland through rivers and shallow coastal areas fast


What was the Enlightenment?

It was an intellectual movement that applied new ways of understanding, like rationalist and empiricist approaches to the natural and human world. If 14th c. scientists could figure out the natural world in the Scientific Revolution, then why couldn’t 18th century philosophers figure out the human world?


How did nationalism contribute to the second wave of imperialism?

Nationalism is often tied to a desire for territory and to be seen as a great power. This led to increased competition to build a large empire.

What is Mr.Cardon's first name? 



How did the Ottomans create a loyal bureaucracy?

The Devshirme system was used to staff their bureaucracy. This began with the enslavement and conversion of Christian boys from the Balkans, but also included education and training in Istanbul.


How did the Spanish create a Maritime Empire and what was it like?

The Spanish crown sponsored Christopher Columbus’s voyages to find a western route to Asia for the spice trade. Columbus found the Americas, and voyages from Spain grew in number until they had colonized the lands. They had lands in the Americas and the Philippines. In both places they demanded tribute and used coerced labor.


What was the impact of the Enlightenment on women?

The feminist movement began with a call for women’s suffrage and equality. This can be seen in the work of French activist Olympe de Gouges, who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, which criticized the new French Constitution for not including women’s rights.


What was Social Darwinism?

It was a play on Darwin’s theory of evolution. Social darwinists believed that survival of the fittest applied to humans. It became a form of “scientific racism” that assumed that non-western races were like children who had not matured.


Mr.Cardon's favorite Disneyland ride and favorite anime, are both about what historical bandits?



How did the Qing Dynasty use art to help legitimize their rule?

Because the Qing were Manchu, not Han Chinese like the majority of people in China, they portrayed themselves in portraits with books to suggest Confucian wisdom which would appeal to the Han Chinese population.


What was the Columbian Exchange?

The transfer of new diseases, food, plants, and animals between the Eastern and Western hemispheres. It was an environmental phenomena, not trade.


What caused the Haitian Revolution to take place?

Haiti was a prosperous French colony. The ideas of the French Revolution became known there and, led by Toussaint Louverture, the enslaved population on the island rose up.


What did imperialism look like for Japan at this time?

Due to rapid industrialization during the Meiji Restoration, Japan was able to expand its influence over Korea, Manchuria, and other parts of China


What is Mr.Cardon's favorite sport?



How did the Ottoman-Safavid Rivalry lead to the deepening of the split between Sunni and Shi’a Islam?

Safavid leader Shah Ismail declared that the Safavid Empire would be a Shi’a Islamic state. Sunni Muslims in the empire were publicly executed and the Safavid military cursed the first three caliphs to follow Muhammad as illegitimate rulers of the Muslim people.


What was the Encomienda System?

The Spanish divided indigenous Americans among Spanish settlers and they were forced to provide labor in exchange for food and protection. It’s a bit like feudalism


What did the government do to address the situation of the working class in England?

Suffrage was expanded. Political parties were created that represented the interests of the working class (like the German Social Democratic Party). Laws were passed to restrict child labor. Public Schools were opened. The government built new infrastructure to deal with the growing population, and limited the number of hours people could work each day.


What was indentured servitude?

This was a form of semi-coerced labor. The British helped Indian and Chinese workers to move throughout their empire doing the work that enslaved people had formerly done. They signed contracts they often could not read and that forced them into long hours in terrible conditions.


What period does Mr.Cardon have off?

1st Period


How did Christianity in Europe show change and continuity c. 1450-1750 CE?

The Roman Catholic Church had become corrupt. Some people practiced simony, the buying of Church offices. But more importantly, the widespread practice of selling indulgences began. This means that people were told they could pay money for their sins to be forgiven. A reformer named Martin Luther found that these practices were not in the Bible and created a list of grievances called the 95 Theses. These ideas spread quickly due to the printing press and led to a new Christian movement called the Protestant Reformation and the creation of protestant churches.


What kind of struggle existed in Russia as the czar centralized power?

Elites like the boyars, in Russia, had held onto considerable power for centuries, but Peter the Great became an absolute monarch leading nobles to rebel. The outcome was the abolition of the rank of boyar. Additionally, anyone who had a position of power had to get it directly from the state.


How did industrialization change the social hierarchy in places that industrialized?

The bottom became the industrial working class, which was made up of factory workers and miners. The middle class included wealthy factory owners and white collar workers like doctors, lawyers, and teachers. This class benefitted the most from industrialization. Their improved quality of life allowed some at the top to buy their way into the aristocracy. At the top of the hierarchy were the industrialists who got rich by starting and owning large corporations. They often became more powerful than traditional landed elites.


What were the environmental causes of increased migration c. 1750-1900?

Demographic changes, like the large and growing population in Europe led to job shortages, especially in rural areas. Many moved to urban areas seeking work. Famines, like the Irish Potato Famine of the 1840s, were a challenge to existing patterns of living. This led millions to migrate, seeking better lives, including in the United States


What High School did Mr.Cardon go to?

Eleanor Roosevelt High School