A ruler received the right to rule from heaven and served as a link between heaven and earth.
Mandate of Heaven
Under Japanese feudalism; warriors with loose fitting armor; Code of honor = Code of Bushido
elaborate tents used by Mongolian nomads that can be easily moved when the seasons change
Three Islamic gunpowder empires
Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal
The military aristocracy who supported the Safavid empire
The rise and fall of dynasties in China
Dynastic Cycle
Denomination of Islam that believes that leadership should stay in Muhammed's family; majority of Muslims in the Safavid Empire
Shia Muslim
Intelligent and charismatic ruler By the time he was 45 was elected supreme ruler of the Mongols
Genghis Khan
Ottoman practice of requiring Christian population of Balkans to contribute young boys to become slaves of the Sultans
Johann Gutenburg's invention that helped to make books numerous and cheap – became more available to commoners; significant contribution to the Renaissance and Protestant Reformation
Printing Press
A system of social and ethical philosophy that emphasized harmony, order, and obedience.
agricultural economic system in the Middle Ages
Manor System
an animistic (belief that all things have a spiritual essence and are animated) religion practiced in Mongolia and the surrounding areas that involves the use of shamans to communicate with spirits and deities
was a warrior sultan that led a centralized government as an absolute monarch; oversaw conquering of Byzantine Capital of Constantinople
Mehmed II (Mehmed the Conqueror)
Renaissance art introduced this movement –focus on the potential of humans and what they canachieve
1. Life is filled with suffering
2. The cause of all suffering is people’s selfish desires
for the temporary pleasures of this world
3. The way to end all suffering is to end all desires
4. The way to overcome such desires and attain
enlightenment is to follow the Eightfold Path
Four Noble Truths
a series of 9 “holy wars” led by European Roman Catholic Christians to recapture the holy lands and spread Christianity
Name given to the Mongol Khanate that invaded Russia; Conquered small Russian kingdoms and made them pay tributes
Golden Horde
A time when the wives and mothers of the sultan exercised power of the Sultan and made decisions for the empire
Sultanate of Women
Russian czar that began reforms in Russia designed to westernize and modernize Russia; introduced the beard tax, professionalization of the military and centralization of the government with the capital at St. Petersburg
Peter the Great
Song Dynasty practice that Involved the tight wrapping of young girls’ feet with the goal of making feet small and delicate; keep women at home
Foot Binding
Located in east Africa, most powerful East African kingdom between the 12th and 15th centuries; relied on Indian Ocean trade
Great Zimbabwe
Term to describe the Mongol adoption of the Chinese Political structure
believed that there had been 12 infallible Imams (Islamic religious leaders) after Mohammad (beginning with his son-in-law, Ali)
Twelver Shiism
Martin Luther Wrote the 95 Theses - complaints about the Roman Catholic Church's selling of these