East Asia
Cold War Events
Middle East
Soviet Union

The U.S. became involved in East Asia in 1950 in this event to stop the spread of communism

What is the Korean War


The "Year of Africa" when many African Colonies gained their independence from imperial powers.

What is 1960


The ______ which provided the basis for U.S. intervention in events around the world during this period, was the belief that intervention was necessary to prevent the spread of communism.

What is the Domino Theory


The creation of what country in 1947 led to numerous conflicts with its neighbors over conflicting ideologies over the next several decades

What is Israel


To help end ease the tension and end the Cuban Missile crisis, the leaders of the United States and Soviet Union agreed to do what? (Three things)

What is the Soviets agreed not to install the missiles on Cuba, President Kennedy agreed to never try to overthrow Castro, and the U.S. agreed to remove missiles from Turkey


Policy by Mao Zedong to industrialize China in order to compete with the USSR and USA

What is the Great Leap Forward


The boundaries of Sub-Saharan states came be traced back to this concept.

What is the Berlin Conference or Colonial Imperialism by the European powers


Explain the significance of the Berlin Airlift

It was the first act at not allowing Communism to spread. The U.S., G.B., and France were able to bypass the Soviet Blockade without provoking a war.


Daily Double!

What is ONE political change and ONE political continuity in the Middle East during this period?

Creation of Israel, end of Ottoman Empire, Iranian Revolution, etc.


During the 1960's the Soviet Union and United States agreed to a policy of ______ which would reduce hostility and slow down the costly arms race, along with slowing their competition in developing nations.

What is detente


Mao Zedong and Mohandas Gandhi both appealed to which social class as a base for support?

What are peasants


Daily Double!

The first sub-Saharan country to gain independence was __________  in 1957 and was led by ___________.

What is Ghana and Kwame Nkrumah


Why was the Berlin Wall built in 1961?

What is to prevent East Germans from defecting to the West.


Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized this in 1956 causing conflict with the British, French, and Israelis'.

What is the Suez Canal


Policy of restructuring Soviet economy in 1980's to try to avoid collapse.

What is perestroika


The oppressive military regime known as the Khmer Rouge ruled which nation from 1975 - 1979?

What is Cambodia


Prior to being arrested in 1962, Nelson Mandela was a leading member of this organization which fought for greater rights for black South Africans

What is the African National Congress (ANC)


You, Mrs President, are not declaring a quarantine, but rather are setting forth an ultimatum and threatening that if we do not give in to your demands you will use force.

-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, letter to President John Kennedy,

October 24, 1962

Which U.S. action is Khrushchev challenging in the excerpt?

What is the quarantine of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis


In the 1970's many Muslims began to seek a revival of Islamic values and elimination of non Muslim economic, political, or cultural influences know as ________ that at times became violent.

What is Islamism


What was a long term cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union during the late 20th century?

What is the arms race


During the 1980's China began its recovery from years of autocratic rule of Mao Zedong. This leader was responsible for opening China to capitalist views which included sending thousands of Chinese students to foreign universities. 

Who is Deng Xiaoping (Deng's Revolution)


The creation of this African organization in 1963 by 32 countries worked to prevent conflicts and help to unify the countries in Africa.

What is the Organization of African Unity (OAU)


To aid in rebuilding Europe after WWII the United States providing funding through the Marshall Plan. The Soviet Union declined to use this plan and instead established their own policy and alternative to the Marshall Plan known as what?

What is Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON)


The Soviet Union's invasion of this country in 1979 to prop up a Soviet government was a complete failure. It is often compared to the United States failure in Vietnam

What is Afghanistan


In 1968, the communist leader of Czechoslovakia launched a communist socialist movement that would challenge the Soviets power known as what?

What is the Prague Spring