General Formatting
Structure of Sections

What font and size should you use for an APA-style paper?

What is Times New Roman, 12 point font.


Correct the error, if there is one (or more): Neither group showed significant growth beyond baseline (Elston and Brown 2005).

Neither group showed significant growth beyond baseline (Elston & Brown, 2005).


Book references include……In this exact order…

A. (Publication year). Author’s last name, Initials. Title of Book Location: Publisher

B. Title of Book. (Publication year). Author’s last name, Initials. Location: Publisher.

C. Author’s last name, Initials. (Publication year). Title of Book. Location: Publisher.

C. Author’s last name, Initials. (Publication year). Title of Book. Location: Publisher.


What are the paragraph spacing requirements and necessary margins dimensions for APA?

What is APA format requires double spacing throughout the document beginning on the title page and APA requires 1" margins all around (top, bottom, left, right)


All sources cited should appear in what two places in an APA paper?

What is "in the text and on the reference page."


Where should a thesis/hypothesis appear in an APA?

Typically near the end of the introduction. 


The introduction of a paper should be labeled Introduction and this label should be centered at the top of the first complete page of the text and in bold text. T or F?

False. The title of the paper appears centered on the first line of the introduction section. Not in bold.


True or False:

 The following paraphrased information was in-text cited correctly:

Individuals who eat right and exercise lower their risk of heart disease (Ward-Smith, n.d.).

Reference Used:

Ward-Smith, P. (2010). America's health. Nursing 101.

False, (Ward-Smith, 2010) 


I have told you that your Introduction is like an upside down triangle - what does this mean?



Which parts of an APA paper get their own pages?

Title page, Abstract, body of the paper, and Reference page


Cite a paper by Shane Pitts, John Paul Wilson, and Jan Smith published in 2014 in two ways: 1. As an in-text citation the first time it is cited 2. A parenthetical citation the first time it is cited

1. Pitts, Wilson, and Smith (2014)... 2. blah blah blah (Pitts, Wilson, & Smith, 2014)


Where does the reference section go? How are the references ordered?

What is at the end of the paper, references are in alphabetical order by first author's surname (last name).


What is Paraphrasing?

A. Re-writing the same phrase from another source into your own essay.

B. A re-statement using one’s own words

C. Changing the original author’s underlying message/meaning of their statement into your own ideas within an essay.

B. A re-statement using one's own words 


True or False:

 The reference page should not be double spaced



What does APA stand for? What edition is the current APA edition? 

American Psychological Association; 7th edition.