What is apartheid?
A system of institutionalized racial segregation in South Africa from 1948 to 1994.
What happened in the 1948 election in South Africa?
The National Party won and began implementing apartheid policies.
Who was Nelson Mandela?
A leader of the ANC and a key figure in the anti-apartheid movement.
What is the ANC?
African National Congress.
What was the Group Areas Act?
A law segregating living areas by race.
What does "Bantustan" refer to?
Areas set aside for black South Africans during apartheid.
What was the Sharpeville Massacre?
A 1960 protest against pass laws where police killed 69 people.
Who was Albert Luthuli?
President of the ANC and Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1960.
What was the PAC?
Pan Africanist Congress.
What were pass laws?
Required passes to enter white areas.
What is "petty apartheid"?
Everyday segregation in public spaces like bathrooms and buses.
What is the significance of the Defiance Campaign?
A 1952 protest against apartheid laws, marking the ANC's rise in activism.
Who was Hendrik Verwoerd?
The "Architect of Apartheid" and South African Prime Minister.
What document outlined a non-racial South Africa?
The Freedom Charter.
What was the Immorality Act?
Banned interracial relationships.
What was the Population Registration Act?
A law that classified South Africans by race in 1950.
When did the Rivonia Trial take place?
1963-1964, resulting in Mandela and others being sentenced to life imprisonment.
Who were the MK, or Umkhonto we Sizwe?
The armed wing of the ANC.
What was the 1956 Women’s March about?
Protested pass laws.
What were townships?
Areas for black South Africans near cities.
Define "grand apartheid."
Policies like forced removals and Bantustan creation to segregate populations.
What was the Treason Trial?
A 1956 trial where 156 leaders were accused of plotting to overthrow the government.
Who was Steve Biko?
Founder of the Black Consciousness Movement.
What role did international sanctions play?
Pressured apartheid economically.
What was the Bantu Education Act?
Provided inferior education to black South Africans.