Behind the scenes...(data)
Use Cases by Persona
Industry Knowledge
Features (ft Annie the Obnoxious Customer)
Anna's Random Category bANNAnza!!!

Where does ApartmentIQ get data from?

Property websites, some ILS data


Who are the key personas ApartmentIQ is used by?

Operations, Property Managers, Revenue Management, Asset Management, Acquisitions and Development


What does "multi-family property" refer to?

What is a residential building with more than one housing unit, such as apartments, duplexes, or condominiums.


"I need to create a customized report for my market survey. Where do I go?"

Excel report within the Market Survey Report


What is the difference between Asset Managers and Revenue Managers?

Asset managers focus on long-term property value, while revenue managers optimize pricing and occupancy for short-term income.


How do we differentiate Applications vs Re-Listed vs Leases

1. Applications - units removed from the website are held as applications until 7 days have passed

2. Relisted - If a unit that was being held in the applications window gets added back to the website within 7 days, it becomes re-listed

3. Leases - Units that were removed from the website and not reposted after 7 days


This persona uses our platform to quickly compare their property's performance with comps in terms of pricing and to make data-driven decisions on rental rates and promotional strategies. The best part? It saves them time to focus on more critical tasks that they have on-site.

Property managers!


What are the four P's our customers keep in mind when evaluating their business and performance?

People, Property, Pricing, Promotion


"I am trying to find where I can see which units have been leased across my comp set but can't figure out how to find that. Show me or I am canceling!"

Units report, toggle to "leased units" only


What market has ApartmentIQ historically struggled with pulling accurate data in and why?

New York, they exclusively use Street Easy


How are we identifying the unit mix within our Floor Plans report?

Percentage of total units detected for this floor plan relative to the total detected units for this property...We used our historical unit level data to help us build the unit mix for floor plans


This persona uses our platform to help inform and adjust rental rates to ensure the property remains competitive, implement pricing strategies based on market trends they are seeing, and easily track comp's rates, promotions, occupancy, and exposure to strategically position their property for maximum revenue potential.

Revenue managers!


What is a common software used for managing multi-family properties? Provide three.

What is Yardi, RealPage, AppFolio, Radix, Entrata, etc.


"Gee whiz, I hate all of my comps these are terrible. Explain to me how you identified these and where can I change them!"

1. Edit comps page

2. Comp algorithm takes into account location, bed type pricing, year built, number of units 


You are in an elevator with the CEO of the largest prop management company in the WORLD, Anna's Mega Ultra Huge Property Management, pitch IQ STAT!

key points:

1. Daily data

2. All public

3. Historical data going back 4 years

4. Concessions


What are the three reasons we may see a gap in coverage on the Historicals trends/graphs?

1. Property was added to our database recently

2. Property changed online leasing software and we didn't update our scrapeable link

3. Property did not have any available units during the time there is a gap


This persona can use IQ to make informed decisions on whether to invest in property upgrades, adjust pricing strategies, or explore new revenue opportunities. They also confirm that rental rates are aligned with market conditions to ensure their properties are consistently generating strong revenue streams which ultimately boosts the property value and ROI.

Asset Managers!


What are the three types of multi-family property management companies?

Owner, Owner/Operator, Fee Managed


"I noticed your new Floor Plans report. What is it exactly and how are you identifying the floor plans?"

Report with units grouped by floor plan instead of just bed type, helpful for a more 1:1 comparison when pricing units, floor plans are identified in TWO ways...1. floor plan name listed 2. for those units that do not have a floor plan publicly, we used historical data from other units with floor plans to group them accordingly

HelloData...booo...what is the main differentiator between us and them?

HelloData uses ILS data exclusively from


How are we calculating advertised occupancy and what are some key reasons our % is different from what our customers say occupancy is?

Advertised Occupancy % gives you the percentage of units that ApartmentIQ projects to be occupied based on move-in dates for advertised units that were Leased Vacant units and Vacant Available units. ApartmentIQ classifies vacant units as units with move-in dates within the next 10 days.

((Total Units - Vacant Units) / Total Units)


While not as prevalent, this persona could use ApartmentIQ to help create targeted campaigns to boost traffic at properties by leveraging our concessions, amenities, and exposure by bed-type data.

Marketing manager


What the hell is going on in the Atlanta market and why do customers keep talking about it?

Tons of new builds delayed construction due to Covid and are now all coming online at the same time...too much supply!


"What are ALL of your options for SSO? I need to know them all or else how will I decide on the best option?"

*external and internal*

Google, Microsoft, Okta

SSO required for all users

SSO required for certain domains

SSO no restrictions


Quick, this customer could be a fit for GBP, give me the key features within the product! bonus points if you can role play the feature in IQ that could tie into GBP.....

1. Posting

2. Products

3. ChatBot

Feature to tie in: Google reviews!