Having been initiated by the Portuguese, this was embraced by all European colonizers to help replace a lost labor force in the New World
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Another term for absolutist ruler
This event marked the failure of the protestant forces in the Bohemian Phase and the beginning of Habsburg rule in Bohemia
Battle of White Mountain
House of Commons; House of Lords
This Russian leader didn't have the greatest nickname, but successfully expanded into Mongolian territory
Ivan the Terrible
This empire became the center of banking in Europe instituting systems of credit with merchants and others
The Dutch Empire
This man represented absolutism in Eastern Europe and was heavily influenced by the courts of France (i.e. shaving of beards and cutting of cloaks)
Tsar Peter the Great
What are the 4 phases of the war?
Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, Franco-Swedish
This event describes how Parliament asked William of Orange to formally invade England to seize the thrown from James II (primarily to keep it in Protestant hands)
Glorious Revolution
After the Times of Troubles, this family was elected into Tsardom
House of Romanov
This was the name of the forced labor system instituted on the Native Americans by the Spanish
Encomienda System
Remember: in theory, Conquistadors were meant to provide benefits like protection to laborers, but in practice, it was harsh and cruel as Natives were worked to often to death
These were created during the rule of Cardinal Richelieu (Louis XIII) that help to make sure the local officials are upholding the decrees from the monarch
How would you describe the Thirty Years War motivations: Religious? Political? Both?
Began as a religious conflict, but developed towards political motivations
(When, why, and how did this develop?)
What was one particular issue Parliament had with the efforts of the Crown during the tumultuous period before and after the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution?
The attempts to Re-Catholicize England
This republic often stood in the way of Russian expansion westward
Republic of Poland
This Spanish clergy member is best associated with condemnation of the treatment of Natives in the Encomienda
Bartolome Las Casas
This decision from Louis XIV reversed the Edict of Nantes
One ruler, one faith
Edict of Fountainbleu
What was the population loss like in German towns after the war?
20-50% Population Loss
This was proposed to Charles I from Parliament that had him agree to Parliamentary power; Taxes could only be implemented with Parliamentary consent, no quartering of troops, and no arrest without due cause...
Petition of Right, 1628
This system was created by Peter the Great to incentivize military participation; it established ranks of nobility gained through military achievement/merit
Table of Ranks
The Portuguese did not colonize the Old World, but instead relied on this format of expansion and economic influence
Trade Post Empire
(How would you describe the function of their trade posts throughout Africa and the Indian Ocean?)
This was the final war of Louis XIV in which many European powers were worried about the potential union of the Spanish and French crown and sought to stop Louis' descendant from seizing the Spanish Crown
War of Spanish Succession
What were the immediate effects of the war beyond the devastation of the people?
End of the "Wars of Religion" OR
France emerges as the most powerful country in Europe OR
Emperor's power dissolves and HRE is permanently fragmented
This was passed by Parliament as a response to the Act of Indulgence; it stated that all officeholders must take communion in the Anglican Church
Test Act, 1673
These were the conservative members of the Russian Church that; During and after the reign of Alexis, they were singled out and persecuted as Russia and the Orthodox Church began to institute reforms
"Old Believers"