What is the main drawback of the use of fossil fuels?
They are pollutants that are effective, but environmentally detrimental
Which nuclear power plant go big boom in the 80s in an undisclosed location in Ukraine near Russia-land kinda thing?
What are the two types of solar energy?
Active solar and passive solar
What are the three largest coal burning countries in the world?
1. China
2. United States
3. India
What the largest positive about fossil fuels?
They are very efficient and are plentiful
Solar is...
What do you need to power a geothermal plant?
A volcano or somethin...
What do wind turbines threaten most?
Killing birds and threatening their migratory flights
Massive usage of land
What country uses the most nuclear energy?
United States RAAHHHHH
Name three kinds of fossil fuels:
1. Coal
2. Crude Oil
3. Nat. Gas
4. Petroleum
4 nonrenewable resources are...
(must list 4)
1. Coal
2. Natural Gas
3. Oil
4. Nuclear
What is the main advantage and disadvantage of solar energy for consumers?
PRO: Low cost (in the long run) and effective
CON: High starting cost
What country contributes the most to climate change?
Which type of gas primarily makes up "natural gas"?
Natural gas is...
What powers a wind turbine? (really think about this)
Name 5 renewable resources
1. Solar
2. Wind
3. Hydro
4. Geothermal
5. Biomass
Name 4 of the 5 countries with the largest coal reserves:
1. United States
2. Russia
3. China
4. Australia
5. India
What are the types of coal?
Lignite, bituminous, and anthracite
Nuclear is...
Define wind (textbook definition)
The perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction, caused by the uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the sun.
Name 3 types of biomass
1. Wood
2. Crops
3. Garbage
4. Alcohol fuels
5. Landfill gas
Name 3 of the 5 countries with the largest oil reserves:
1. Venezuela
2. Saudi Arabia
3. Iran
4. Canada
5. Iraq