Which of the following is a natural source of particulate matter in the atmosphere?

a) Tectonic plates shifting

b) Rain Storms

c) Cellular Respiration

d) Volcanic eruption

Volcanic Eruptions: Volcanic eruptions are natural events that release particulate matter into the atmosphere. 


What are the four R's of resources

Refusing, Reducing, Reusing, Recycling


Describe the deference between a point source and a non point source

  • Point source pollution: Release pollutants from known locations, such as discharge pipes, that are regulated by federal and state agencies.

  • Non-point source pollution: A combination of pollutants from a large area rather than from specific identifiable sources


Define Invasive Species

These are animals and plants that are transported to any area where they do not naturally live.


Small particulate matter can accumulate as an indoor air pollutant, and when inhaled, it can damage the heart and lungs.

Identify ways the danger from particulate matter can be reduced in the home.

Change filters on heating and cooling systems according to manufacturer’s directions: Filters are effective at capturing particulates and removing them from the air.

Use exhaust vents to move air outside while cooking: Exhaust vents capture and release particulates outside of the home. They should be used to remove particulates that can accumulate when cooking on a stove.


What is the grasshopper effect?

Persistent organic pollutants dissolved in water vapor are carried by the prevailing winds from the warm tropic latitudes across mid latitudes to the polar latitudes and to higher altitudes. This transport is called the grasshopper effect because the vaporized pollutants hop-up the earth (like a grasshopper) from the equator towards the poles and higher altitudes. Transport by the grasshopper effect can spread these pollutants widely, making them a global concern.


Which greenhouse gas consistently stays in the Earth’s atmosphere the longest?

Nitrous oxide


What is the difference between GDP and GPI

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the value of all products and services produced in a year in a given country. Genuine progress indicator (GPI) includes measures of personal consumption, income distribution, levels of higher education, resource depletion, pollution, and health of the population.


Which atmospheric pollutants are likely to react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form acid rain?

Nitrogen Oxide and Sulfur Dioxide

Nitrogen oxides react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals in the presence of sunlight to form acid vapor in the atmosphere. Acid vapor deposits are called acid rain. Sulfur dioxide reacts with water, oxygen, and other chemicals in the presence of sunlight to form acid vapor in the atmosphere. Acid vapor deposits are called acid rain.


There are three major types of potentially toxic agents: carcinogens, mutagens, and teratogens.

Which of the following best illustrates the impact of a teratogen?

Since teratogens are chemicals, ionizing radiation, and viruses that cause or promote birth defects, let's look for the answer that causes a structural change while a baby is developing in the mothers body.
We can eliminate the answer choices that lead to cancer, cause coughing and sneezing, and increase risk of stroke, because none of these options describe a birth defect.
So the best answer choice is Exposure to lead during pregnancy can cause reduced fetal growth.


Which of the following negative impacts on plant species are directly linked to stratospheric ozone depletion? Pick Two

a) increasing disease spread

b) stunt growth

c)reduced cell respiration 

d) reduced photosynthesis

b and d

Stratospheric ozone depletion increases plant exposure to ultraviolet (especially UVB) radiation. Increased exposure to UVB can cause stunted growth in some plants by damaging delicate leaves. Stratospheric ozone depletion increases plant exposure to ultraviolet (especially UVB) radiation. Increased exposure to UVB can cause smaller leaf sizes and reduce photosynthesis in plants.


What does HIPPCO stand for?

It stands for Habitat destruction/fragmentation, Invasive species, Pollution (including climate change), Population growth (human), Overharvesting (overexploitation).


Scrubbers use liquids or dry, absorptive materials to reduce pollution at the source in many industrial processes.

Which of the following are the best ways to promote the use of scrubbers?

a)increase awareness of the cost savings that scrubbers have on labor and clean up, which can enhance revenue.

b)Change the kinds of scrubbers that are allowed to meet requirements.

c) Enforce and expand restrictions on the amount of pollutants that can be released into the atmosphere.

d)Move away from fuels that cause pollution in industrial processes.

a and c

While scrubbers have high costs upfront, they often lead to less labor in cleaning and upkeep as less pollutants collect in the factories. Enforcement of the restrictions on the level of pollutants released by industrial plants would force industrial plants to install and upkeep scrubbers in order to continue running.


Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of toxic chemicals occurs when certain substances are consumed.

Which of the following is most likely the result of biomagnification?

a)high concentration of atrazine in corn 

b)high concentration of mercury in tuna fish 

c)high concentration of PCBs in oysters 

d)high concentrations of lead in drinking water 

b) high concentration of mercury in tuna fish

Biomagnification is the increase in concentration of substances in an organism that occurs in successively higher trophic levels. Tuna are predators at a high trophic level. Therefore, high concentrations of mercury in tuna is likely the result of biomagnification.


Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mixes with water at the surface of the ocean and is dissolved into the water. There, the dissolved carbon dioxide gas reacts with the liquid water to form carbonic acid.

How does the production of carbonic acid impact water quality in the ocean?

The water’s pH decreases, so it becomes more acidic.

The production of carbonic acid leads to a decrease in pH, making ocean water more acidic.


What was the Kyoto Protocol?

The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement to reduce greenhouse gasses.


What is the chemical equation for combustion?


How do you calculate the lethal dose formula. 

Lethal dose = mass x LD50


How do you calculate total energy used. 

Total energy used over a given period of time = kW × time (hours) = kWh


What is the chemical equation for Ocean Acidification?

CO2 (aq) + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ HCO3− + H+ ⇌ CO32− + 2 H+