Biodiversity 1
Biodiversity 2
Unit 1 Review
What's the Word?
Where In the World?

What are the 3 categories that would be found on a range of ecological tolerance graph?

optimum range, zone of (physiological) stress, zone of intolerance


survive/ grow/ reproduce, survive / grow, and survive


An island off the coast of Africa contains a larger percentage of specialist species than generalist species. Which of the following describes the most immediate effect if an invasive generalist species is introduced to the island?

a. as predation increases, the population size of the invasive generalist species will decrease

b. as competition for resources increases, the population size of the island's specialist species will decrease

c. as resources are partitioned, the population sizes of both the generalist species and the specialist species will increase

d. as niches overlap, the invasive generalist species will be outcompeted by the island's specialist species

b. as competition for resources increases, the population size of the island's specialist species will decrease


Which aquatic biome matches the description below?

Areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of soil all year or for varying periods of time during the year, including growing seasons


Many natural areas, such as this scene from the Grand Tetons National park, provide aesthetic beauty valued by humans. This is an example of a(n) ___________. 

cultural ecosystem service


In which country is Angkor Wat? This is one of the largest religious structures in the world.



The graphs below show the changes in crab color at one beach. Which of the following is most likely to have caused the change in the distribution?

a. A new predator arrived that preferred dark-tan crabs and light tan crabs

b. A change in beach color made medium tan crabs the least visible to predators

c. A change in beach color made medium-tan crabs the most visible to predators

d. A new predator arrived that preferred only light-tan crabs

c. A change in beach color made medium-tan crabs the most visible to predators


Describe the change in Antarctic temperature from about 440,000 years ago to about 340,000 years ago. Include measurements in your description.

The temperature increases by about 12 degrees C and then decreases by about 12 degrees C


Which best characterizes the benthic zone of a lake?

a. It is composed of open water and dominated by phytoplankton

b. It is the land based community of organisms and their environment not associated with the water

c. It receives enough sunlight and nutrients to support large communities of rooted plants

d. It contains organisms that are able to survive in low-oxygen concentrations 

d. It contains organisms that are able to survive in low-oxygen concentrations 

Benthic zone contains invertebrates such as worms, insects, larva, clams, which can survive in low-oxygen environments


The rate at which an ecosystem returns to its original state after a disruption



In which country is the Blue Lagoon?



A factory continually releases high-temperature treated water into the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists collected data about the biodiversity of wildlife in areas where the water temperature was affected by this practice. The data was collected over a short period of time. 

Which of the following statements could explain this data? Select all that apply. 

a. Many species of wildlife moved or perished because they could not tolerate the temperature change

b. Most species of wildlife continued to live in the area because they were able to tolerate the temperature change

c. Some local wildlife evolved to withstand the new temperature change

d. Some species of wildlife continued to live in the area because they were able to tolerate the temperature change

A, D


A team of ecologists are studying four different ecosystems with varying levels of biodiversity. The ecologists categorize the different levels of biodiversity for the four ecosystems as shown in the table below. Based on the information below, which ecosystem most likely experienced a recent population bottleneck? Explain. 

Ecosystem A, because its low genetic diversity could have resulted from an event that reduced the variation in the gene pool


You, a curious APES student, just bought a CO2 sensor. You place your favorite plant into the CO2 chamber and seal it shut. You measure the uptake of CO2 in sunlight. This measurement is referred to as _____________. 

Net Primary Productivity (NPP) 

In sunlight, the plant takes in CO2 for photosynthesis and emits a smaller amount of CO2 for respiration. The net increase in CO2 is a measure of NPP.


What are two measures of species diversity?

species richness

species evenness


This country is home to the Petronas Towers, the tallest twin towers in the world. 



Wheat stem rust is a fungus that can cause disease in wheat plants. To avoid losing crops to this disease, farmers around the world grow wheat plants that are resistant to wheat stem rust.

In 1999, a new strain of wheat stem rust was discovered in Uganda. This strain, called Ug99, can cause disease on wheat plants that were previously resistant to stem rust. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Ug99 is a major threat to global wheat production.

Based on the information above, which of the following is most likely true about the ancestry of wheat stem rust strain Ug99?

a. a strain of stem rust needed to adapt in order to survive in an area with only resistant wheat plants, so the strain developed a mutation that allowed it to go undetected in these plants

b. a strain of stem rust developed a mutation that prevented it from being detected by wheat plants, allowing the strain to grow and reproduce on these plants

c. an individual stem rust spore evolved a novel trait that could inhibit the resistance response of wheat plants, allowing the spore to grow and reproduce on these plants

b. a strain of stem rust developed a mutation that prevented it from being detected by wheat plants, allowing the strain to grow and reproduce on these plants


Describe the intermediate level of disturbance hypothesis.

ecosystems experiencing intermediate levels of disturbance will favor a higher level of diversity of species than those with high or low levels of disturbance


Identify two reasons that nitrogen is necessary for organisms.

Nitrogen is a component of nucleotides (DNA, ATP) in cells.

Nitrogen is a component of proteins in cells.


Sea otters are considered a(n) ________. Although not very abundant, sea otters keep the sea urchin population in check. Without the sea otters, the sea urchins would eat the sea kelp and the ecosystem would collapse. 

keystone species


This country is home to Machu Picchu.



Which of the following economic consequences to a provisioning ecosystem will most likely result from increased global warming?

a. the collapse of local fisheries, because of the damage to coral reefs from ocean acidification

b. loss or revenue from the oil industry, because of increased oil spills from offshore oil wells

c. widespread crop failure, because of increased acid precipitation in agricultural areas

d. increased cost for water filtration, because of loss of coastal wetlands

a. the collapse of local fisheries, because of the damage to coral reefs from ocean acidification

many fish depend on coral reefs for habitat, and the carbon dioxide that largely causes anthropogenic global warming also causes ocean acidification, which does damage coral reefs


In late summer 1991, Mt. Pinatubo, a volcano in the Philippines, exploded and sent thousands of tons of volcanic dust into the atmosphere. Describe the change in temperature after this eruption. Draw a simple diagram explaining how Mt. Pinatubo caused this change in temperature.

Temperature decreased because the aerosols increased albedo, reflecting solar radiation back into space


Construct a negative feedback loop showing how an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide affects the solubility of carbon dioxide in the ocean. 

inc atmospheric CO2 --> inc temps --> warmer oceans --> less gaseous CO2 can be dissolved in the oceans --> more CO2 in atm --> inc atmospheric CO2


genetic drift


This country is home to Table Mountain. Here, you can climb mountains, picnic in forests, and share a beach with penguins.

South Africa