Wind & Water
Climate & General Science

This boundary exists at the San Andreas fault.

What is a transform boundary?


The constant tilt of the Earth's rotational axis as it orbits around the sun causes these.

What are seasons?


This is the direction in which the trade winds deflect in both hemispheres.

What is west?


This is created by the uneven solar radiation from the Earth's tilt.

 What is wind?


Reduced upwelling will affect anchovy fishing in this way.

What is reduce it?


This type of boundary exists at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and increases the amount of Earth's crust.

What is a divergent boundary?


This is the layer of the atmosphere in which the vast majority of ozone found.

What is the stratosphere?


These are the percentages of N2, O2, and CO2 in the troposphere.

What are 78, 21, and .04?


This global area would receive 24 hours of daylight on 12/21.

What is E?


This is a negative environmental effect in an area with a decrease in precipitation.

What is...

drought, less surface water, aquifers not recharged, organisms can die / dry out, increased wildfires, desertification


This exists in Pacific Ocean and is the site of a large amount of volcanoes.

What is the Ring of Fire?

*This is not on the test* :)


This layer of Earth's Atmosphere contains the ozone layer that absorbs the sun's ultraviolet rays.

a. Troposphere

b. Stratosphere

c. Mesosphere

d. Thermosphere

What is B- Stratosphere


If a developer removes large trees, what would happen to the soil in the area?

What is... increased erosion /increase in temperature


This is an aspect an experiment that is not changed throughout an experiment.

What is the control? (controlled variable)


El Nino and La Nina occur in the ... (choose one)

Tropical East Pacific

Gulf of Mexico

Arctic North Pacific

Temperate West Atlantic

Tropical Indian Ocean


 What is the tropical east Pacific?


Which of the following best describes factors that most contribute to the seasons experienced on Earth?

a. The tilt of the Earth in its axis and the rotation of the Earth around its axis

b. The tilt of the Earth in its axis and the gravitational pull of the Moon on the Earth.

c. The rotation of the Earth around its axis and the revolution of the Earth around the sun.

d. The tilt of the Earth in its axis and the revolution of the Earth around the sun.

What is....D. The tilt of the Earth in its axis and the revolution of the Earth around the sun.


Which of the following best identifies the cause of the deflection if the trade winds near the equator? 

a. The Coriolis Effect

b. The rain shadow 

c. Geologic uplift

d. Intense Solar Radiation

What is A..the coriolis effect. 

The rain shadow effect can have a large effect on local climate. When a rain shadow effect occurs, which side of the mountain tends to receive more rain?

a. Windward side

b. Leeward side

c. Top of the mountain

d. Foot of the mountain

a. Windward Side


The term for an area having little rainfall because it is sheltered from prevailing rain-bearing winds by a range of hills.

What is a rain shadow?


 This is the major cause of El Nino climate changes.

What is warmer surface waters in the Pacific? 


How can climate change impact an El Niño event?

a. Warmer air currents can transfer thermal energy to the ocean, changing ocean currents.

b. Warmer atmospheric air can alter the salinity of the oceans in the Atlantic.

c. Cooler air currents can reverse La Niña events in both the Atlantic and the Pacific.

d. Cooler air can result in increased tropical storms during tropical storm seasons.

What is A....Warmer air currents can transfer thermal energy to the ocean, changing ocean currents. 


The layer of Earth's atmosphere with the highest pressure; weather occurs here.

What is the troposhere?


 Which of the following best characterizes the air that deposits at the surface of the Earth 30 degrees north and south of the equator by Hadley cells?

a. Cool, moist air deposits here, which is why taiga biomes are often found here.

b. Cool, dry air deposits here, which is why tundra biomes are often found here.

c. Warm, moist air deposits here, which is why tropical rain forests are often found here.

d. Warm dry air deposits here, which is why desert biomes are often found here.

d. Warm dry air deposits here, which is why desert biomes are often found here.


An irregularly occurring and complex series of climatic changes affecting the equatorial Pacific region and beyond; characterized by the appearance of unusually warm, nutrient-poor water off northern Peru and Ecuador, typically in late December.

What is El Nino?


During an El Nino, Peru experiences these ocean temperatures and this amount of precipitation. 

What are warmer and higher?