What is the difference between renewable vs. nonrenewable resources?
What is renewable resources that replenish, while nonrenewable do not replenish.
What is impervious surfaces?
What is replace with permeable pavement to increase water infiltration.
What is mechanical control?
What is a physical methods to remove, block, or kill pests. For example, traps and tilling soil.
What is contour plowing?
What is plowing along the natural contours of the land, rather than straight rows, to reduce soil erosion.
What is planting alternating strips of crops to reduce erosion and increase soil fertility.
What is maximum sustainable yield?
What is resource use level that does not compromise future availability.
What is build up, not out?
What is vertical development to minimize urban sprawl.
What is biological control?
What is using natural predators, parasites, or pathogens to control pest populations. For example, ladybugs and parasitic wasps.
What is windbreaks?
What is rows of trees or shrubs planted along field edges to reduce wind erosion.
What is crop rotation?
What is alternating the types of crops grown in a field each season or year.
What are indicators?
What is biodiversity loss, carbon footprint, and water scarcity.
What is permeable pavement?
What is pavement that contains larger particle sizes to increase water infiltration?
What is chemical control?
What is use of pesticides to manage pests, with minimal application and as a last resort in IPM. For example, herbicides and insecticides.
What is perennial crops?
What is crops that grow year-round and do not need to be replanted annually.
What is green manure?
What is planting cover crops and then plowing them into the soil to add nutrients and organic matter.
What are rain gardens?
What is capture and filter runoff to reduce pollution.
What is cultural control?
What is practices that modify the environment or agricultural methods to make it less favorable for pests. For example, crop rotation and intercropping.
What is terracing?
What is the creation of flat platforms on steep slopes to grow crops, resembling steps.
What is rotational grazing?
What is moving livestock between pastures to prevent overgrazing and allow vegetation to recover.
What is no-till agriculture?
What is farming practice that leaves the soil undisturbed and uses cover crops to protect it.