The frequent repetition of an act, to the extent that it becomes characteristic of a group of people
Pop culture usually originates in...
Narrative songs written about daily life meant to pass on values
folk music
Where did most American folk house styles originate?
East coast
The choice of clothing in pop cultures is determined by... (Name 1)
wealth (social status)
fashion sense
A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom
Folk culture primarily spreads through...
varies from place to place at a given time
folk culture
New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Tidewater style homes are examples of American ___ homes.
The popularity of soccer worldwide is a good example of a ___ custom becoming part of ___ culture.
folk, pop
The influence of a location's distinctive physical features on the way food tastes
Pop culture spreads through
contagious or hierarchical diffusion
a knowable, traceable origin/hearth is a feature of...
neo-colonial, neo-tudor, and neo-french are examples of American ___ houses
As they have more contact with pop culture, women in LDCs are more likely to...
seek opportunities outside the home- work and/or school
The modification of an aspect of pop culture so it can adapt locally
The diffusion of internet follows the pattern previously set by the diffusion of TV with this one difference
It is happening faster.
large, heterogeneous groups practice
pop culture
Steep roof with chimneys at either end. Smaller windows, house is slightly elevated.
Lower Chesapeake or Tidewater
What are the predominant nodes of pop culture? Name all three.
U.S., Western Europe, Japan
The fusion of old and new to create a new cultural trait
That rapid diffusion of pop culture depends on...
modern communication systems- internet, tv, radio, etc.
State which culture, folk or pop, the time-space compression model applies to and explain why.
Large two story house with large chimney in the center. Cape Cod and Saltbox are two popular types.
New England
Features of the U.S. landscape, such as gas stations, supermarkets, and motels promote a...
uniform landscape