Units 1-2
Unit 3-4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7

True or false? Geographers typically use the geospatial technology GPS to analyze and represent data layers as shown in choropleth maps.

FALSE. Geographers use GIS to analyze and represent data layers in maps.


True or false? Hinduism is considered a polytheistic religion by scholars, but a monotheistic religion by its followers.

TRUE. While Hinduism includes the worship of many deities, they are all manifestations of one god.

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: in what country is the religious hearth of Hinduism located?


True or false? The most important factor in determining what types of agriculture will take place throughout a region is the type of geographic landforms found there.

FALSE. The most important factor for the success of agriculture is the region's climate.


True or false? City outskirts and suburbs in Europe tend to be much more densely populated than outskirts and suburbs in the US.

TRUE. While suburbs in the US are less dense, European suburbs are more dense due to the amount of rural-to-urban migrants seeking affordable housing outside the expensive city center.

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What historical reasons explain why cities in European urban areas are much more densely populated than cities in North America?


True or false? According to Weber's Least Cost Theory, a soda bottle manufacturer would likely locate their factory closer to the raw materials rather than the market. 

FALSE. Because soda bottling is a  bulk-gaining industry, the materials become heavier after they are processed and would be more expensive to transport to the market; thus, the factory is placed closer to the market to save on costs.


The type of map projection most commonly used for navigation, known for its directional accuracy, is the __________ projection.


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: name all 3 other major map projections.


Things that comprise our material culture, such as art, clothing, and food, are called ___________, while things that comprise our nonmaterial culture, such as values, practices, and attitudes, are called _________.

artifacts, mentifacts


_________ agriculture is mainly practiced in periphery countries, while ________ agriculture is largely found in core countries.

subsistence, commercial


The _________ is defined as the minimum number of people needed to support a service or business, while the __________ is the distance people are willing to travel for said service/business.

threshold, range


Contemporary manufacturing mostly takes place in _____________ countries, where the ___________ sector is most common due to lower wages and less environmental regulation.

semi-periphery, secondary


According to the gravity model of migration, these 2 U.S. states would be the most likely place for Mexican migrants to live.

California and Texas.


Name all 4 of the necessary criterion for a country to be considered an official state.

1. Defined boundary
2. Sovereignty
3. Recognition by other states
4. Permanent population


This type of land survey system would most likely be found in Western American states.

Township & range

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: what land survey system would be most likely found near the Gulf of Mexico in states like Louisiana?


New York, London, and Tokyo are all examples of this.

Global or world city


This supranational organization has fostered the most significant economic growth by eliminating import tariffs between member states.

EU (European Union)


To determine the _____________ population density, divide the population by the amount of ________ land.

physiological, arable


A _________ boundary is established by a legal document such as a treaty; a _________ boundary is one that is drawn on a map; and a _________ boundary is one identified by physical objects placed on the landscape.

defined; delimited; demarcated.


According to the Von Thunen model, ___________ agriculture is be closer to the market, while _________ agriculture occurs farther away from the market. 

intensive, extensive


A geographic area outside of an urban core with a large amount of recently developed retail and office space would be classified as this.

Edge city


When two countries begin to trade because each place specializes in commodities demanded by the other, this concept occurs.


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: describe the difference between complementarity and comparative advantage.


Stage 5 of the Demographic Transition Model is characterized by these two things.

A decreasing birth rate and an aging population.

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Name one country currently in stage 5 of the DTM.


Name one supranational organization focused on economic alliances and one focused on strategic/military alliances.

Economic: WTO, OPEC, ASEAN, EU, USMCA, African Union

Strategic/military: NATO, Arctic Council, UN


Cotton, coffee, cocoa, and tea are all examples of _______ _______ agriculture, an ethical program in which governments in core countries pay more for crops in order to provide farmers more financial security.

fair trade


This classic model of city structure is highly influenced by transportation lines and patterns. 

Hoytt Sector Model


This social measure of development, tracking the amount of natural resources required to sustain a society, is positively correlated with GDP per capita.

ecological footprint