Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Mrs. Abbott Facts

Population data collected every 10 years in the United States that is used for redistricting

(1.2) What is the census


The data illustrated in this population pyramid

(2.3) Denmark's population is decreasing


When ideas spread from one person to another, without a regard for social status

(3.4) What is contagious diffusion


The manipulation of boundaries to better suit a political party

(4.6) What is gerrymandering


Who is this angel? (BONUS 200 points if you guess her name correctly)

Mrs. Abbott's niece, Lia


The type of thematic map shown here.

(1.1) What is a choropleth map


The two types of population policies governments may use to either increase or decrease their populations.

(2.7) What are pronatalist and antinatalist policies


A language that is a mixture of at least two other languages and has a fully developed vocabulary

(3.5) What is a creole (creolized) language


Boundaries drawn by powerful outsiders that tend to ignore existing cultural groups

(4.4) What are superimposed boundaries


This angel's name

Who is Smudge


The scale of analysis when comparing data between Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Latin America

(1.6) What is regional


A country with high birth rates, rapidly decreasing death rates, and high rates of population growth would be in this stage of the DTM

(2.5) What is stage 2


The belief that cultures should be judged based on their own standards and not on the standards of the observer's culture.

(3.1) What is cultural relativism


Independent states that concentrate power in the central government and grant little or no authority to subnational units

(4.7) What is a unitary state


The number of years Mrs. Abbott has been teaching

What is 69 years


A geographic area that is centered around a node, or focal point, and defined by activity that occurs near this region 

Some examples include a pizza delivery area and radio station transmission zone

(1.7) What is a functional or nodal region


The average number of people per unit of land area 

(2.1) What is Arithmetic (Crude) Density


The idea that the world is becoming more interconnected than ever before because businesses develop international influence or start operating on an international scale

(3.6) What is globalization


When one powerful country holds strong economic influence over another country. Therefore, the powerful country has indirect control.

(4.3) What is neocolonialism


The last artist Mrs. Abbott saw in concert

Who is P!nk


The theory that the physical environment is the primary force that shapes human culture. 

(1.5) What is environmental determinism


The person who believed that the world needed checks on population because population grows exponentially while food grows arithmetically. Therefore, the world would not be able to feed the number of people being born.

(2.6) Who is Thomas Malthus


The two main religious hearths of the world AND the religions that claim these hearths. *HINT: You should have 3 religions per hearth*


India- Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism

Jerusalem/Israel- Christianity, Judaism, Islam


Name the four zones as dictated by UNCLOS AND how far reaching they are in nautical miles. 

(4.5) What are territorial sea (up to 12nm), contiguous zone (up to 24nm), exclusive economic zone (up to 200nm), and high seas/international waters (past 200nm)


The month and year Mrs. Abbott got married.

What is April 15, 2022