Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4

What does GPS stand for?

Global Positioning System.


What does RNI stand for?

Rate of Natural Increase


What is an internally displaced person?

Someone who has been forced out of their home.


Define supranationalism. 

Nation-states organizing politically and economically into one organization or alliance


What is Possibilism?

The idea that people can decide where they live, and shape the environment (the opposite of determinism)


Name all 3 types of densities.

Physiological, Arithmetic, Agricultural


Define Chain migration, or step migration.

Chain: a process where immigrants from a particular area follow others from that area to a particular destination.

Step: Gradual migration from location to location.


What do EEZ and UNCLOS stand for?

Exclusive Economic Zone.

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea


What is the difference between the Robinson projection and the Mercator projection?

Robinson projection has both the lines of altitude and longitude evenly spaced across the map. (Or one of the other options which I'm too lazy to write)


Define Pro-nationalist, or Anti-nationalist

Pro: The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.

Anti:Opposing the idea that your nation should be politically independent


What is the difference between ethnic and universal religions?

Ethnic religions are generally contained in one area, universal religions can be seen all around the world.


Define ethnocentrism and ethnonationalism.

Ethnocentrism: The belief that ones culture is superior without thinking about the benefits of another culture.

Ethnonationalism: Ethnocentrism, but for ones nation


Define Formal region and Functional region 

Formal: Well-defined areas that share a common attribute such as language, culture, religion, or economic activity.

Functional: An area centered on a node, focal point, or central hub surrounded by interconnecting linkages


Define Physiological density and explain why this is one of the most important densities for geographers?

Physiological density is the amount of people per unit of arable land, this is important for geographers because it can help show the carrying capacity of a region.


Name at least 3 lingua francas.

English, French, Arabic, Mandarin, German, Latin, Portuguese, Swahili.


Define and give an example of devolution.

Devolution is the process of splitting the power to keep the peace, one example is the separation of the USSR

In detail, define absolute location and relative location.

Absolute: The exact location on Earth, often given in terms of latitude and longitude.

Relative: the position of a point with respect to a given frame of reference.


What are the differences between the Malthus, and Boserup theories? (You only need to name one)

Malthus believed that we would run out of food as our population grew, Boserup believed that we would invent new technology that would allow us to feed a rapidly growing population. 


Define creolization and syncretism.

Creolization: The process by which elements of different cultures are blended together to create a new culture

Syncretism: The amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions


Explain in partial detail the breakup of USSR and Yugoslavia.

I'm not writing all that.