Unit 1/2
Unit 3/4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7

Define Scale

The relationship of feature's size on the map to the actual size


What is lingua franca?

A language that is used as a common language across the world.


Name the 4 rings that made up Von Thunen's model.

1. Intensive farming and dairying

2. Forest(wood, building materials)

3. Extensive field crops

4. Ranching, animal products


What is the formula for rank-size rule?

Rank 1- largest city

Rank 2- 1/2 the number of people as Rank 1 city

Rank 3- 1/3 the number of people as Rank 1 city

Rank 4- 1/4 number of people as Rank 1 city

Rank 5- 1/5 number of people as Rank 1 city


What does MDC and LDC stand for?

MDC- Most developed country

LDC- Least developed country


Define diffusion

Process by which a characteristic spreads across space from one place to another


What is dialect?

A regional variation of a language distinguished by distinct vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation. 


What is the Colombian exchange?

The global exchange of goods, ideas, plants, animals, and disease that began with Columbus' exploration.


What's a Primate City?

The largest city within a nation which dominates the country not solely in size, being more than twice as large as the second city, but also in terms of influence.


What are the main three types of industries?

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.


What is Natural Increase Rate (NIR)?

The difference between the number of births and deaths during a specific period.


What is a superimposed boundary?

Political boundary placed by powerful outsiders on a developed human landscape. 


What is plantation farming?

It's large scale mono-cropping of profitable products  not able to be grown in Europe of the U.S.


What is a CBD?

The central business district that takes up less than 1% of the urban land area, but contains a large percentage of the services offered in the city.


What are the 4 Asian Tiger/Dragons?

South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong


What is the population bomb?

A theory that predicted worldwide famine due to over population.


Define Supernationalism.

3 or more countries from a union for economic, political or cultural cooperation.(ex. U.N. , NAFTA, EU)


What is dietary energy consumption?

It's the amount of food that an individual consumes.


What are the 5 levels of categorized cities?

-regional capital






How much solar energy is used in the U.S.

Only 1% of the electricity


What was Malthus' theory?

His theory was that the population growth would outgrow the food production due to over population, so he thought that there restrictions on reproduction.


Define Imperialism.

Control of a territory already occupied and organized by an indigenous society.


What was the Green Revolution?

It was the increased production of grains (rice and wheat mostly) it was also the diffusion of agricultural technologies and practices.


What is the central place theory?

Humans will always purchase goods from the closets place that offers the good. 


What are the 5 sectors of economic indicators of development?

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary, and Quinary