SIGs currently active
What are 8?
The most annoying duty
What is ....?
The SIG that is connecting memes and education?
What is the History & Culture SIG?
The age of the APIBA SIGs?
What is 20 years old?
The most difficult part of writing a blurb
What is ....?
The SIG that is reading about Gender
What is the Linguistics & Philology SIG?
The newest SIG
What is Teacher Reasearch?
Name 3 Coordinator's duties
What are contacting new members, filling the after event reports, checking Siggers' status?
The SIG that delivered a workshop at FAAPI 2019
What is Literature SIG?
The SIG that has changed its name
What is Mindfulness/Wellness SIG?
Piece of advice to fellow Coordinators
What is...?
The SIG that is connecting online teaching to its area of interest
What is the Language & Phonology SIG?
The SIG that shared free material
What is EDTech?
The number of LOs
What is 3?
The SIG that is related to the creation of a course of studies
What is the Business SIG?