My voice actor is also Principal Perry from lab rats.
Am I Naruto Uzumaki?
Everyone has a deadly fault, an example from my main character is the sin of Wrath.
What is Seven Deadly Sins.
Nezuko is a Demon slayer,
Is it No?
My favorite Anime are code geass and jojos
Am I jaden?
I am the main character of a popular series banned in China.
Am I Erin Yeager, L/Light, Kaneki ken or Saeko Busujima. (AOT DN TG HOTD)
I am the highest-grossing(made the most money) Anime FILM.
Anime counts for 60% of WORLD WIDE animation
Is it YES?
My favorite anime are AOT and Tokyo Ghoul
Am I Leyla
My scream is one Japan's most popular ringtones?
Am I Armin Arlet
I am the longest anime with 7,332 still available episodes.
Am I Mrs. Sazae aka Sazae-San?
The Anime Space Brothers has parts that were actually recorded in space?
Am I true? Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide recorded his lines from the ISS.
My favorite Anime is Akame ga Kill
Am I Atlas?
I keep my sister in a box/ backpack
Am I Tanjero
My game was very popular and ends in go
Am I Pokémon
Around 40 new colors have been created by animators in pursuit of the perfect pallet.
Am I Wrong.
Well over 50 new colors have been made with more to come.
Flying midget spinner
Am I levi
People either love me or they hate me because of my fan base
Am I My Hero
70% of music streamed in japan are anime openings or endings
Am I false? Over 85% of music in Japan is anime openings and endings