Berkeley Facts
Pop Culture
Geography / History
Random Knowledge

The year UC Berkeley was founded

What is 1868?


This artist just won Rap Album of The Year at the Grammy's

Who is Doechii?


Finish this iconic line and name the person who said it "Everybody wanted to know what I would do, if I didn't win..."

What is "I guess we'll never know" said by Kanye?


This is the only U.S. state with a one-syllable name.

What is Maine?


This is the only letter that doesn’t appear in any U.S. state name.

What is the letter Q?


How many schools and colleges does UC Berkeley have?

What is 14?


This iconic group has the most number one hits on the Billboard Hot 100.

Who are The Beatles?


This trend back in the 2010s raised over 100 million dollars for a very good cause.

What is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?


This famous structure, located in India, was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife.

What is the Taj Mahal?


The only mammal capable of sustained flight is this animal, which is not a bird.

What is a bat?


Name a famous alumni of APO

Who is Hilary Clinton, JFK, or Michelle Obama?


This song released in 2012 featuring the artist "Foxes" has over 600 million streams on Spotify

What is Clarity by Zedd


Korean rapper __ part of the group ___ was part of the highly anticipated Season 2 of Squid Game

Who is T.O.P from Big Bang?


There’s a place in the U.S. where you can stand in four states at once—unless you trust GPS, which says the marker is actually wrong. What are these 4 states?

What are Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico?


In the 19th century, this fruit was used as a "luxury" item, only allowed to be eaten at royal courts in France, and was called “the king of fruits.”

What is the pineapple?


How tall is the Campanile?

What is 307ft?


With over 50 million sales, this album by Michael Jackson remains the best-selling album of all time.

What is Thriller?


 The year that High School Musical 2 came out. 

What is 2007?


This country has the most time zones, spanning 12 different zones—including some that aren’t even in the same hemisphere.

What is France?


In Switzerland, it’s against the law to do this after 10 PM, in order to avoid disturbing neighbors.

What is flushing the toilet?


There is a gold nugget in this building which is believed to be the first gold nugget found in california and kicked off the california gold rush.

What is Bancroft Library?


Finish the lyric - "My trust in God, Glocks, and dollars"

What is "I might swerve, bend that corner, woahhhhhhhh"


Who is the undisputed GOAT of basketball?

Who is LeBron James? (my sunshine)


In 1815, this volcanic eruption in Indonesia caused global temperature drops, known as the "Year Without a Summer," and even contributed to the writing of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.

What is the eruption of Mount Tambora?


The shortest war in history, lasting only 38 to 45 minutes, was between Britain and this country in 1896.

What is Zanzibar?