The Problem of Evil
Methods of Apologetics
Science and Faith
Miscellaneous Scriptures

The Problem of Evil, as a form of philosophical inquiry, suggests that, with all of the evil and suffering in this world, the deity or deities who created this world cannot be both all-________ and all-_____________

What are good and powerful?


This is the answer that Seth gives when asked which method of apologetics is best.

What is Yes?


Many arguments in Christian apologetics center around the idea that the world and the universe appear to be intelligently _________.

What is designed?


I Peter 3:15 states, "In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with _________and _________"

What are gentleness and respect?


This the the name for the event in Genesis 3 wherein Adam, as a result of disobedience in the garden, became separated from God, unholy, and he and all of his descendants sinful by nature.

What is the Fall?


This method of apologetics focuses on the many arguments for God and Christianity which involve observable evidence. 

What is the evidential method?


Many scientists have suggested in the past that the Universe always existed, which is known as the Steady State Theory. But observation in the field of astronomy has demonstrate that the Cosmos expanded from either one point or perhaps several small points, which gave rise to this Theory.

What is the Big Bang?


Romans 1:20 states, "For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are ________ ___________."

What is without excuse?


The is the name for what happened to both Mankind and all of Creation as a result of God's wrath against the sin of Adam, including the pain and danger of childbirth and the toilsome nature of work on this earth. 

What is the Curse?


This method of apologetics centers around the idea that atheists/non-believers have presupposed epistemological foundations that cannot be justified, and that the only ultimate reason non-believers persist in their arguments is that they suppress the truth in ungodliness.

What is the presuppositional method?


Many Christian apologetics have appealed to the mark of a designer through this system, which exists in almost all living cells and serves, in the words of Stephen Meyer, "as an information code much more complicated than any computer code".

What is DNA?


During our discussion on the Problem of Evil, we discussed the Biblical teaching that God sovereignly chooses all things, including his covenant people. To demonstrate this point, the Apostle Paul in Romans 9 quotes the Malachi where God says "_______ I loved, but ______ I hated"

What/who are Jacob and Esau?


Evil in the Bible and in Christian theology is often characterized in three categories: The World, The _______, and The Devil.

What is the Flesh?


This method of apologetics focuses on rational arguments for God, including the cosmological, ontological, teleological, etc. Many of these arguments date back to Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century.

What is the classical method?


This word has two definitions:

1. The tendency to consider possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values

2. The philosophical doctrine that nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications.

What is Materialism?


These verses constitute what we would refer to as God's Curse upon Creation (be specific, about 6 verses)

What are Genesis 3:14-19?


This is the name of the argument in Christian Apologetics which states that atheists, in bemoaning the evil and suffering in the world in order to undermine the idea of a good and powerful God, demonstrate that they appeal to a concept of transcendent Good and Evil that they cannot philosophically justify.

What is Moral Argument for God?


As opposed to the evidential and classical methods, which appeal to Logic and Science as neutral ground on which to argue against the non-believer, the presuppositional method claims that there is no neutral ground, and the Word of God alone provides the proper framework for Logic, Science, and _______.

What is Morality or Ethics?


This word refers to the philosophical worldview which states that all natural phenomena must have a natural explanation, and precludes the possibility of scientific appeal to any supernatural explanation.

What is Naturalism?


Within the Curse narrative, this verse in particular hints at God's plan for messianic redemption and is known as the Proto-evangelium.

What is Genesis 3:15?