The definition of apologetics.
What is "to make a defense"?
The time Jesus will return, according to Jesus.
What is soon?
What is a day?
The reason bad things happen.
What is sin?
The definition of grace.
What is God's undeserved love for us because of Jesus Christ?
The person who is responsible for making sure that Law and Gospel are used properly.
Who is me?
What we are supposed to do while waiting for Jesus' return, according to Matthew 28:18-20.
What is "Go and make disciples"?
The thing evolutionary theory needs (but can never get enough of) for its ideas to appear plausible.
What is time?
One of the reasons we do not pray to angels.
What is the Bible does not say angels can hear our prayers?
What is the Bible does not say angels can answer our prayers?
The distance from Jerusalem to Emmaus.
What is 7 miles?
The difference between Law and Gospel.
What is Shows our Sin vs Shows our Savior?
One of the nine different pieces of the story of Jesus that are backed by Classical and Jewish witnesses.
*Double or nothing for each extra named*
What is life only comes from living things?
When life begins.
What is conception?
Something the disciples and other early Christians wouldn't have died for.
What are lies?
A collection of the claims that explain reality OR a person's map of reality.
What is a worldview?
Descriptive word of the Bible that means "without error."
What is "inerrant"?
One of the two laws of thermodynamics that is contradicted by alternative explanations for the creation of the world.
What is matter cannot be created or destroyed?
What is things move from order to disorder (not disorder to order)?
The three uses of the Law.
What are a curb, mirror, and guide?
The word that means, "the most, the highest," according to Scooby Doo (starts with an M).
What is monkey?
The primary tool used to learn more about God, who He is, and what He has done.
What is the Bible?
The type of knowledge of God that entails God's direct communication of Himself in history and the Scriptures.
What is revealed knowledge of God?
The type of evolution backed by observation, where animals change within their type, which is not disputed by Christians.
What is microevolution?
The type of law that we still follow today as it is recorded in Scripture.
What is moral law?
The meaning of enchiridion.
What is little dagger?