Arguments for God
Words to Know
Authority of the Bible
Other Religions
Arguments Against God
Another argument for the existence of God is the --?-- law argument. It goes like this: Without God morality would be impossible.
What is the moral law argument?
--?-- is a field of Christian theology that aims to present a rational basis for the Christian faith, defend the faith against objections, and expose the perceived flaws of other world views
What is Apologetics?
A devout Jew that believed they were dealing with the very Word of God so they were extremely careful when they copied documents. Hint: S-----
What is a scribe?
Belief in one God, Allah.
What is Islam?
The problem of -?- contests the existence of a god who is both omnipotent (all-powerful) and omnibenevolent (all-good) by arguing that such a god should not permit the existence of -?-
What is the problem of evil/evil?
The --?-- argument for God’s existence goes like this: The world could not exist on its own so there must have been a first cause that brought it into being. Hint: cosmos
What is the cosmological argument?
A person who doubts the truth of a religion or of important elements of it Hint: starts with a "s"
What is a skeptic?
Book written by Luke that accurately names 32 countries, 54 cities and 9 islands without error. Hint: Between John and Romans
What is Acts?
Many Gods, including Vishnu & Shiva.
What is Hinduism?
The argument from --?-- contests the existence of an omnipotent God who wants humans to believe in him by arguing that such a god would do a better job of gathering believers. Hint: N-- B-----
What is the argument from non-belief?
The --?-- argument goes like this: The universe evidences great complexity or design; thus, it must have been designed by a great Designer or God. Hint: The Greek word “telos” means “purpose” or “design.”
What is the teleological argument?
-?- is the view that the truth value of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, but also other religious and metaphysical claims—is unknown or unknowable Hint: starts with an "a"
What is Agnosticism?
The 2 Gospels that have the genealogy for Jesus Hint: NOT Mark and John
What are Matthew and Luke
Denies a personal God. Believes that desire is the root of human problems. Hint: B-------
What is Buddhism?
The argument from --?-- contests the idea that God created life on the basis that lifeforms, including humans, seem to exhibit --?--. Hint: P--- D-----
What is the argument from poor design?
The --?-- Argument for the Existence of God (TAG) is the argument that attempts to prove God's existence by arguing that logic, morals, and science ultimately presuppose a theistic worldview, and that God is the source of logic and morals Hint: Tra-----d--t-l
What is the Transcendental argument?
Capable of being believed. Worthy of belief. Confidence Hint: starts with a "c"
What is Credibility?
There are over 4000 of these, which contain all or portions of the New Testament.
What are Greek Manuscripts?
Believe the doctrine of the Trinity is Satanic. Believe Jesus was the archangel Michael. Hint: J------ W--------
What are Jehovah's Witnesses?
The argument from --?-- contends that omniscience (the ability to know everything infinitely) and --?-- are incompatible, and that any conception of God that incorporates both properties is therefore inherently contradictory. Hint: f--- w---
What is the argument from free will?
It is, perhaps, the most controversial proof for the existence of God. The --?-- argument can be stated in this way: “God is the greatest being imaginable. One of the aspects of perfection or greatness is existence. Thus, God exists.” Hint: "O-t-l-----l"
What is the ontological argument?
The branch of metaphysics that studies the nature of existence or being as such. Hint: starts with an "o"
What is ontology?
These were found in clay pots in Israel during the mid-1900s. They provide the oldest copies of the Old Testament.
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Believe in many Gods. Teach that God was once a man. The Trinity is 3 separate beings, 2 with physical bodies & 1 with a spiritual body. Hint: L-- (acronym for the answer)
What is Latter-Day Saint (LDS) or Mormonism
The argument from --?-- contests the existence of the deity called God as described in scriptures—such as the Jewish Tanakh, the Christian Bible, the Muslim Qur'an, Hindu Vedas, the Book of Mormon or the Baha'i Aqdas—by identifying apparent contradictions between different scriptures, within a single scripture, or between scripture and known facts. Hint: in---s-s---t re---at--ns
What is the argument from inconsistent revelations?