Platform Fundementals
State Of application
Debug and test
Publish An Application

SCENARIO: Alfons Parovszky works as a technical writer at A. Datum Corporation. His job responsibilities 

include writing technical specifications for customers who have chosen A. Datum Corporation for their web hosting needs. His supervisor recently assigned him the task of updating the specifications to include the changes for HTML5 in addition to the considerations necessary for handling various device platforms such as smartphones, slates, 

tablets, and devices with touch screen capabilities. 

What HTML5 features assist in handling various device sizes?

a. Cookies.

b. Media queries.

c. Plug-ins. 

Media queries.


SCENARIO: Yun-Feng Peng owns a small business that sells and rents woodwind and percussion instruments to local schools. Mr. Peng has a presence on the web, but his site is slightly outdated. His son just graduated 

with a degree in information science and technology, so he offered to help his father update the site. Mr. Peng talked to his son about one of his major concerns, the potential threat of using cookies to store sensitive data. His son explained the changes introduced in HTML5 that specifically target this concern. 

What change in HTML5 has changed how data is persistent across user sessions?

a. Use of improved cookies.

b. Use of localStorage and sessionStorage.

c. Media queries. 

b.  Use of localStorage and sessionStorage.


SCENARIO: Wingtip Toys is a rapidly growing toy company with a great web presence. With the introduction of touch-screen technology, they have decided to provide their end-users with some mini touch-screen games as an incentive to visit their site. The games are designed around holiday themes. For example, in December they posted several games with Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanza themes. Each game that is developed must go through rigorous debugging and testing before it is posted for play. 

 What are some touch-enabled best practices to test for?

a. Prevent zooming, prevent scrolling, and render carefully.

b. Allow email and messaging.

c. Use as many new HTML5 features as possible. 

a.  Prevent zooming, prevent scrolling, and render carefully.


SCENARIO: Begoña Hurtado recently graduated from college with a degree in information science and 

technology and an additional certifi cate in web development. Begoña has set a goal to pay off her college loans as soon as possible. She is creating applications that she can publish to an application store to earn extra revenue to help achieve her goal. 

 What steps does she need to take before publishing an application?

a. Plan a promotion strategy for her application.

b. Configure, build, and test a release version.

c. Review her use of localStorage and sessionStorage for her application. 

b.  Configure, build, and test a release version.


Alfons needs to verify the hosting specifications for the HTML5 client. Which item(s) are most related to this concern?

a. Reliability, scalability, technical support, security, and support for various operating systems.

b. Plug-in support such as Microsoft Silverlight and Flash.

c. The developer application used by the client.

Reliability, scalability, technical support, security, and support for various operating systems.


What does it mean that HTTP is a stateless protocol?

a. HTTP does not retain data from session to session.

b. HTTP saves information for one session only.

c. HTTP saves only form data. 

a.  HTTP does not retain data from session to session.


What is a touch screen

 A computer screen designed to recognize the location of a touch on its surface


On what platform or store can Begoña sell her Metro application?

a. Android Market.

b. Windows

c. Windows Phone SDK.

a. Android Market


If the client used Microsoft Expression Web to create the site, what command should he specify in his documentation to prepare the site for hosting?

a. Site/Import.

b. Site/Publishing Settings.

c. Site/Export Web Package.

 Site/Export Web Package.


 What allows HTML5 applications to work in an offline state?

a. HTTP.

b. AppCache.

c. Cookies.

b. AppCache


SCENARIO: Wingtip Toys i a rapidly growing toy company with a great web presence. With the introduction of touch-screen technology, they have decided to provide their end-users with some mini touch-screen games as an incentive to visit their site. The games are designed around holiday themes. For example, in December they posted several games with Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanza themes. Each game that is developed must go through rigorous debugging and testing before it is posted for play. 

If the developer does not have a touch-screen device, how can he or she debug the application 

prior to testing?

a. Use MouseTouch events and an online touch-screen emulator.

b. He or she cannot test until it is deployed to a touch-screen device.

c. Program it to respond to voice commands. 

Use MouseTouch events and an online touch-screen emulator.


Why should Begoña create a vector icon for her application?

a. Because people like pictures more than text.

b. To demonstrate her graphic art capabilities.

c. To promote the brand and help users discover the application.

c.  To promote the brand and help users discover the application.


What is the application packaging

the process of bundling an application and its resources into an archive format for 

the purpose of distribution and deployment. 


What is a session state

is created when the user makes the first request to access an application and ends when the user closes the session. 


SCENARIO: Wingtip Toys is a rapidly growing toy company with a great web presence. With the introduction of touch-screen technology, they have decided to provide their end-users with some mini touch-screen games as an incentive to visit their site. The games are designed around holiday themes. For example, in December they posted several games with Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanza themes. Each game that is developed must go through rigorous debugging and testing before it is posted for play. 

How can the developer validate the new HTML5 code?

a. If the code compiles with no errors, it is validated.

b. Use an online simulator.

c. Use the W3C code validators.

c.  Use the W3C code validators.



What is a  launcher icon ?

is a graphic that represents an application on the device’s Home screen and in the 

Launcher window.  


What are permissions?

 are grouped into permission sets, and every assembly is assigned a set. The .NET Framework defines some standard permission sets such as Full Trust (implies all permissions) and Execution (permission to access the CPU only). 


What is Persist state information

is data that needs to continue to exist after the session has ended.


what is debugging?

the action of detecting, locating, and correcting logical or syntactical errors in a program or malfunctions in hardware. 


What does EULA stand for and what does it mean?

 End-User License Agreement 

is a legal agreement between a software manufacturer and the purchaser with regard to terms of distribution, resale, and restricted use.