1) The artery supplying the appendix is a branch off what artery
Describe the obturator sign and what it tells you about location of the appendix?
Pain on internal rotation of the hip suggestive of pelvic appendix
Inciting event of acute diverticulitis
Microperforation of diverticuli
At what point following diverticulitis is a colonoscopy performed and why?
At least 6 weeks to allow perforation to heal and it is to rule out malignancy
Most common site of diverticular bleed
Right colon, diverticulosis is most common cause of LGIB, diverticulum erodes into vasa recta and causes bleeding, most spontaneously resolve
2) Most common location of the appendix
The WBC is normal in approximately how many people presenting with acute appendicitis?
1/3 and even higher if pt presents prior to 24 hours of pain
Two mechanisms of obstruction in diverticular disease
Acute diverticulitis with acute inflammation and edema.
Following multiple bouts of diverticulitis with chronic scar and thickening of colon wall
SBO from inflammation caused by diverticulitis
Most common reason to have recurrent diverticulitis after resection with anastomosis is?
Having a colo-sigmoid resection instead of a colo-rectal anastomosis. The retained sigmoid puts patient at continued risk for diverticulitis
Presence of a mesenteric abscess that reaches toward to pelvis is a Hinchey class what?
5) Patient with acute diverticulitis is admitted and started on abx and NPO. They are failing to progress and pain increasing. Repeat CT shows several small pelvic abscess with scant extraluminal air. Decision is made for surgical intervention. Describe at least 2 options for surgical approach in this patient?
Hartmanns procedure with resection and end colostomy. Also a resection with primary anastomosis and diverting ileostomy
During which acute attack of diverticulitis is a person most likely to require emergent surgery?