If, while, do blocks are this type of block.
What is control blocks
To have click events, I must add this to my screen in the design mode.
A button
What does DB stand for?
What can I name a variable?
anything, but it shouldn't start with a number
What is a procedure called in Python?
A function
Boolean blocks are light green, known as
logic blocks
Checkboxes use what value? (string/number/boolean/etc)
A DB is useful, why?
It allows us to store information to use on multiple screens
What is a get block?
It retrieves the value in a variable
Once a procedure is defined, how do I use it?
Call the procedure
In the math blocks, min has two sockets. Why?
It compares at least two numbers and return the smallest (min)
What does horizontal arrangement do for us?
Allows us to do a row of items horizontally.
How do I access a value in the DB?
I must the getValue block, and supply the tag for the information
what is a set block?
It sets a variables value to something
Can you pass information to procedures?
This is what the trim block does
Trims whitespaces off of a string
To use the ball object, we must first have a ______
What kind of information can be stored in a DB?
Any kind
Look at the picture, what is the difference between the two blocks?
The one with the plug will return a value, the other will not.
Why would we use a procedure?
To cut down on repeated code, to do something specific over and over again
Index in list has two sockets, a thing socket and a list socket, what does it produce?
the index of the thing in the list.
What values does a slider go from and to?
Whatever you set!
How are DBs and lists different?
Lists work by index, and not permanent, DBs will last and work on the Key-Value system.
What is the difference between a global and local variable?
Local variables only exist in the children of the local variable block, global variables exist everywhere on the screen.
The first screen is always called this: