Schedules of Reinforcement
Research Methods
Wild Card
Response resulting in an increased frequency because of the presentation of a reinforcer
What is Reinforcement
What type of reinforcement involves a reinforcer following each response
What is continuous reinforcement
The phase of an experiment or intervention in which the behavior is measured in the absence on an intervention
What is Baseline
What type of behavior is a behavior that is elicited by antecedent stimuli; nothing else is required for the response to occur
What is Respondent behavior
What type of test is it when the behavior in the behavior box performed by the person or animal whose behavior you are analyzing
What is the Behaver Test
Example: If the antecedent is a rat getting shocked and the behavior is to press the lever then the consequence would be no shock what is the contingency of behavior
What is Escape
What type of interval schedule of reinforcement produces a "scallop" in responding
What is fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement
What is another name for the Reversal design
What is ABA design
A learned response elicited by the presentation of a conditioned stimulus
What is Conditioned Response
Behavior that is not in the repertoire or not occurring at the desired frequency; the final goal of the intervention.
What is Terminal Behavior
How immediate is immediate when reinforcing a response
What is 0-60 seconds
What type of behavior involves behaving as if the response causes some specific outcome, when it really does not
What is superstitious behavior
An experimental design where the replications involve interventions with criteria of differing values
What is changing-criterion design
What form of desensitization involves combining relaxation with a hierarchy of fear-producing stimuli, arranged from the least to the most frightening
What is Systematic Desensitization
Stopping the reinforcement or escape contingency for a previously reinforced response causes the response frequency to decrease.
What is extinction
Response cost and time-out are subcategories of this concept
What is punishment by the removal of reinforcers (penalty)
What type of schedule of reinforcement requires a number of responses that have to be emitted before one response produces reinforcement
What is ratio schedules of reinforcement
Example: A coach implements an intervention package with one team at a time, after collecting baseling data for differing dirations for each team, what type of reasearch design is this
What is multiple-baseline design across groups
What type of syndrome is an unconditioned response elicited by painful stimuli that enhances our strength and speed, often making it possible for us to more reliably and more quickly to escape those painful stimuli
What is the Activation Syndrome
Example:The before condition would be that when Chris is driving he will have an accident soon so the behavior is that Chris drives carefully so then the after condition is that Chris will not have an accident soon. What type of contingency is this
What is Avoidance
Example:When a child reaches for a hot stove and is immediately burned. So now he is much less likely to reach for the stove now because of what contingency
What is punishment by the presentation of an aversive condition
What type of response pattern has a moderate rate of responding with almost no postreinforcement pausing
What is Variable-Interval schedule of reinforcement
The extent to which the conclusions of an experiment that applies to a wide variety of conditions
What is external validity
Present the conditioned stimulus without pairing it with the unconditioned stimulus or with an already established conditioned stimulus, and the conditioned stimulus will lose its eliciting power
What is Respondent Extinction
If a punishment contingency is terminated, the previously punished response will most likely increase again.
What is Recovery from Punishment