Data Collection
Program Documentation

A memory location or a main type of storage structure

What is a variable?


A method used to gather quanititative data like 1-5 or ABCD responses

What is a questionaire


This tool is used to test the logic of an alogritm or step through pesudocode

What is a trace table.


The while loop, for loop and repeat until loop all belong to this control structure.

What is Iteration?


Type of variable that would be used to store the word Strong or a post code 3934

What is String?


A technique used to allow a respondant to freely answer in a way that they choose

What is open ended questions.


joining single words in a phrase with underscores and lower case letters is what type of naming convention?

What is snake_case?


Syntax and value response messages when program execution fails.

What is an error types?


1bytes equivalence in the basic unit of storage

What is 8 bits


Interviews, obervations and questionares are...

What is Primary Sources of information

Reuqirements that relate to usability, reliability, portability, robustness and maintainability that are qualities that do not affect ehat a solution does.

What are nonfunctional requirements?


In Tkinter a widget used to input user data.

What is an entry widget.


A type of data structure that contains a stored grouping of data organised and ordered efficiently using an index value

What is an Array?


The Privacy Act 1988 updated Privacy Ammendment Act 2012 introduced APP's outlining the requirements safe guarding information such as 'use and disclosure of personal information'.

What is APP 6.


This tool describes the data used, how it should appear and any validations used on this data

What is a data dictionary?


In a visualisation the use of labels, space, balance are....

What are conventions?


Primary storage uses RAM to store instuctions used in things such as graphics GPU. Secondary storage stores data and information when they are not actively used on a device that  records bits as 1 or 0 and spins up to 10 000 rpm.

What is a Hard Disc Drive.


This Act relates to businesses who earn over 3 million, provide health care, are a Government agency and outlines their responsibilities for 'personal information.

What the Privacy Act 1988?


Programmers use this to define the purpose of each line of code for other users or for their own understanding and to record information about the program purpose programmer and date of creation/modification.

What is internal documentation


In a visualisation or program the ability to guide the user through or avoid mistakes altogether is called...

What is error tolerance?