Oh no, I'm falling!
2D but make it easy
2D but make it hard
Name that Equation
Food For Thought

This is the acceleration felt by a ball as it falls for 30 seconds from a height of 1120 m above the surface of earth.

What is gravity, or 9.8 m/s2?


This is the time for an object to fall 1 m with an initial velocity of 26 m/s horizontally.

What is .49 s ?


This is the vertical velocity of an object launched at 24° and 12 m/s.

What is 4.9 m/s?


This is the definition of velocity. 

What is Δx/Δt = vaverage?


Little cocktail sausages wrapped in dough & baked are called "pigs in" these.

What are blankets?


This is the time for a ball dropped from a height of 2.5 m to hit the ground.

What is .71 seconds?


This is the distance a projectile will travel if launched horizontally at 1 m/s from a height of 1 m.

What is .45 m?


This is the optimal angle to launch a projectile at to reach a maximum x displacement.

What is 45°?


This is the time for an object to fall from rest here on earth.

What is √(2*h/g) = tfall?


Ben & Jerry's top-selling ice cream is this flavor named for the old leader of a rock band.

What is Cherry Garcia?

This is the acceleration felt by an object if it falls 31 m in 45 seconds when dropped. 

What is 3 m/s2?


This is the distance a horizontal projectile will travel if it falls 4.5 m after being launched 1.2 m/s.

What is 1.2 meters?


This is final velocity before hitting the ground of an object that is launched at 4.2 m/s at an angle of 23°. 

What is 4.2 m/s?


This is the equation I would use to find the final velocity of an object that is accelerating. 

What is vf = vi + at ?


This steak sauce claims that it "Makes Hamburgers Taste Like Steakburgers".

What is A1?


This is the equation that can be used to calculate the final velocity of an object in free fall when you substitute known quantities. 

What is vf = 0 m/s + gt ?

This is how much further I will travel if I quadruple my initial height of launch.

What is double?


This is the max height of an object launched at 26° with a velocity of 7 m/s.

What is .5 meters?


This is the displacement curve set up to solve for the change in height of an object in free fall. 

What is h = 0m/s t + 1/2 gt2 ?


In 1992 a world record 68-foot 9-inch salami was made in this Scandinavian country's city of Flekkefjord.

What is Norway? 


This is the acceleration felt by Jack and Jane as they fall down the hill with an angle of 22°.

What is 3.6 m/s2?


This is the initial speed of an object launched horizontally if it falls from a height of 3 m and travels 10 m horizontally. 

What is 12.8 m/s ?


This is the distance an object will travel when it is launched at 22 m/s and an angle of 45°.

What is 50 m?


This is the displacement curve equation set up to solve for acceleration. 

What is 2(x-v0t)/t2 = a? 


(Hi, I'm Eric Idle of Monty Python) One of our classic sketches featured a restaurant where almost every menu item included this meat product.

What is Spam?