Vector Addition
Horizontal Projectiles
Conceptual Knowledge
Angled Projectiles

This is the name of the equation used to solve for the Magnitude of the resultant vector

What is the Pythagorean Theorem


This is how long an object falls for when it is launched horizontally from a height of 5 meters.  (g = -10 m/s2) (Use the Free Fall Distance/Time Diagram)

What is 1 second


This is the Model of Motion that the horizontal axis (x) follows (Constant Velocity/Uniform Acceleration)

What is Constant Velocity


This is the method in which we determine the Range, Maximum Height, and Hang Time of a projectile

What is the Straight-Line Projectile Diagram


This is when I have a triangle that has sides that equal a factor of 3 and 4, and the hypotenuse equals a factor of 5

What is a 3, 4, 5 triangle


This is how far an object moves horizontally (x) when it is launched from a 5 meter high table at 2 m/s. (Use Free Fall Distance/Time Diagram for time)


What is a range of 2 meters from the table


This is the Model of Motion that the vertical axis (y) follows (Constant Velocity/Uniform Acceleration)

Uniform Acceleration


This is the model of motion in the horizontal (X) axis a projectile follows while it is rising up and falling back down.

What is Constant Velocity


This is the equation used to solve for the Magnitude of a Resultant Vector

What is 

R = sqrt(X^2+Y^2)


This is the height an object is launched from if it has a Hang Time of 3 seconds

What is a height of 45 meters


This explains the time is takes for a dropped object and a horizontal projectile released from the same height to hit the ground

What is they both hit at the same time


This is the Hang Time of a projectile with a Horizontal Velocity of 5 m/s and a Vertical Velocity of 20 m/s

What is 4 seconds


This is the magnitude of a resultant when a Vector going 3 meters to the East adds a Vector going 4 meters to the North.

What is 5 meters


This is how fast an object is launched (VL) horizontally from a table if its Hang Time is 3 seconds and its range is 15 meters


What is 5 m/s


This is the only variable in a horizontal projectile problem that can be used on both the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) side of the table

What is time


This is the max height a projectile reaches when launched with a Horizontal Velocity of 5 m/s and a Vertical Velocity of 20 m/s

What is 20 meters


This is 500 meters East + 250 meters North

What is 559.0 


This is how far an object travels when launched from a height of 80 meters and with a launch velocity (VL) of 10 m/s. (Use the Free Fall Distance/Time Diagram to solve for time or the equation below)



What is 40 meters


This is known as the optimum launch angle

What is 45*


This is the range a projectile travels when launched with a Horizontal Velocity of 5 m/s and a Vertical Velocity of 20 m/s

What is 20 meters