Key Content Terms
Chapter 22: From Neutrality to War
Chapter 23: The Course and Conduct of World War I
Chapter 24: The Homefront
Chapter 25: The Treaty of Versailles: To Ratify or Reject
The Central Powers at the beginning of World War I consisted mainly of Italy, Austria-Hungary and this other nation.
What is Germany.
The assassination of this man led to the Austro-Hungarian Empire declaring war on Serbia.
Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The American Expeditionary Forces commander, General Pershing, refused to let his soldiers be under any one else's orders. Except for this group that was made up of African-American soldiers.
What is the 369th Regiment
This group of women were very outspoken in their opposition to World War I.
What is the Women's Peace Party
This is where the Peace conference was held that ended the war.
What is Paris.
At the beginning of World War I the Allied Powers consisted mainly of France, Great Britain and this nation.
What is Russia
At the onset of World War I the United States decided that this policy was the best course of action for the U.S.
What is the Policy of Neutrality
World War I was a war of firsts, this newly introduced technology went on for miles and miles with "no-mans land" between and offered relative safety to the wars combatants.
What is the trench system
This group of men that were hired and coordinated by the Committee on Public Information went around the United States giving speeches in support of World War I.
Who are the Four Minute Men
This President was the first to leave the United States while in office. He left to attend the Paris Peace Conference.
Who is President Woodrow Wilson
This act is also known as the draft.
What is the Selective Service Act
This British passenger ship was sunk by a German U-boat, killing almost 1,200 people, including 128 Americans.
What is the Lusitania
This newly introduced technology was first used for reconnaissance but would later be used for bombing and "dog-fighting"
What is the airplane
African-American leaders were in disagreement of whether or not to support the war effort. He was the African-American leader that said African-Americans should stand "shoulder to shoulder" with white Americans and fight in the war.
Who is W.E.B. Du Bois
President Wilson had a plan for peace that he called this.
What are The Fourteen Points
This is the name of the movement of a great deal of African Americans out of the American South during World War I.
What is Great Migration
This was a telegram that was intercepted by the British but was supposed to have gone from Germany to Mexico. It was a request that Mexico attack America if they joined the war, in return Germany would help Mexico retake land lost to the Americans during the Mexican-American War.
What is the Zimmerman note
These new weapons were able to attack soldiers within their trenches and led to the invention of the "safety hood".
What is chemical weapons or poison gas
These two acts, that were passed during World War I, made it illegal to "obstruct the war effort" or to say anything that was "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive" about the government.
What are the Espionage Act and the Sedition Act
The nations that were on the winning side of World War I were known as this at the Paris Peace Conference.
What are the Big Four
this group was formed from the Treaty of Versailles and was intended to prevent futures wars from happening by encouraging disputing nations to meet and discuss their issues.
What is the League of Nations
During World War I both sides used misinformation in an attempt to make their citizens more eager to fight. These posters and advertisements are known as this.
What is propaganda
This technology resulted in so many ships being sunk that the convoy system had to be created in order to ensure a ships safety.
What is U-boat, submarine, or unterseeboot
The Industrial Workers of the World were also known as this during World War I because of their open opposition to the war effort.
What is Wobblies
The biggest reason that the United States did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles is because of this idea that many U.S. Senators feared would draw the United States into more European conflicts.
What is collective security.