What is the Old Main address?
30 N. Brainard Street
Who loves pickles?
Name a transfer counselor
Nicole V, Nicole S, McKenna, Megan, Becca
How many res halls are there on campus?
Can you name them?
When was North Central founded?
Who was Carnegie Hall named after?
Andrew Carnegie
Name a counselor that is also a NC alum
Ellie, Annie, Arianna, Nicole S, Kristin and more
What building was once a res hall?
Seybert Hall
What year did North Central move from Plainfield to Naperville?
What Channel is WONC?
Which tour guides are national champions?
Taylin, Noah, Eddie
Daily Double- Who has a shoe collection in their office?
Ashley Chubirka
How many first years live in Rall?
What year was SBE renovated?
What is Madden?
Black Box theater
Who is our tallest tour guide?
Who just had a baby?
Megan Kramer
True or False: Seager has housed female residents?
What year was WONC the college radio station of the year?
What building was knocked down for Wentz Science Center to be built?
Student Village
Name a tour guide that lives out of state...
Eddie, Sydney, Jeffrey, Jai, Stella
Name a counselor that went to another CCIW school...
Becca or LKZ
What is in the basement of Schneller?
2 Pt question
The Chronicle
Interfaith prayer room
When was Kiekhofer Built?