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This Ohio program connects individuals with hands-on training and employment opportunities while earning wages.

What is ApprenticeOhio?


Ohio has this many sponsors of apprenticeship programs.

1) What is 432?
2) What is 613?
3) What is 104?

2) What is 613?


Between 2018 and 2023, this many apprentices completed their apprenticeship programs in Ohio.

1) What is 730?
2) What is 16,192?
3) What is 5,927?

2) What is 16,192?


Apprentices in this industry can pursue careers in machining, welding, and tool making.

What is manufacturing?


The state agency that oversees Ohio’s apprenticeship programs.

What is the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services?


This is where you should live if you hope to get an apprenticeship.

1) What is only in and around big cities?
2) What is anywhere in Ohio?
3) What is only in the rural areas of Ohio?

2) What is anywhere in Ohio?


The number of occupations in Ohio with registered apprenticeships. Hint: It’s equal to about two centuries.

1) What is 135?
2) What is 378?
3) What is 204?

3) What is 204?


The average starting wage for active apprentices in Ohio. It’s also the year Charles Dickens first published “A Christmas Carol.”

1) What is $18.43?
2) What is $17.51?
3) What is $19.70?

1) What is $18.43?


The industry that offers apprenticeship opportunities in areas like medical assisting, emergency medical technicians, and opticians.

What is the healthcare industry?


This website provides resources and information for individuals interested in apprenticeship opportunities in Ohio.

1) What is
2) What is
3) What is the


This is how much apprentices have to pay toward their training costs.

1) What is 50%?
2) What is 75%?
3) What is 0%?

3) What is 0%?


Ohio has this many active apprentices. Hint: It’s slightly higher than the number of leagues they went under the sea in Jules Verne’s novel.

1) What is 32,199?
2) What is 21,992?
3) What is 12,929?

2) What is 21,992?


The number of students receiving graduation credit for pre-apprenticeship programs in 2022.

1) What is 533?
2) What is 25?
3) What is 276?

1) What is 533?


Occupations such as electricians, plumbers, and HVAC technicians.

What are the skilled trades?


ApprenticeOhio collaborates with this federal agency to ensure quality standards in apprenticeship programs.

1) What is the U.S. Department of Labor?
2) What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture?
3) What is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services?

1) What is the U.S. Department of Labor?


As of 2024, Ohio ranks in this position nationally for the number of apprentices, programs, and employers.

1) What is 1st?
2) What is 2nd?
3) What is 3rd?

3) What is 3rd?


The number of female apprentices in Ohio.

1) What is 1,813?
2) What is 813?
3) What is 183?

1) What is 1,813?


The average hourly wage apprentices in Ohio earn after they complete their programs.

1) What is $15.98?
2) What is $26.98?
3) What is $31.98?

3) What is $31.98?


An industry that involves work with computers, software development, and cybersecurity.

What is information technology?


Before becoming an iconic American statesman and inventor, this founding father, known for his bifocals, apprenticed as a printer.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?


Ohio ranks in this position in the Midwest for the number of apprentices, programs, and employers.

1) What is 1st?
2) What is 2nd?
3) What is 3rd?

1) What is 1st?


The number of veteran apprentices in Ohio.

1) What is 543?
2) What is 314?
3) What is 1,345?

3) What is 1,345?


This is the earliest age that you can start an apprenticeship.

What is 16?


Chefs, cooks, meat cutters, and cake decorators are some of the featured apprenticeships in this industry.

What is the food industry?


This famous inventor and businessman who brought the light bulb to the public began his career as an apprentice to a telegraph operator.

Who was Thomas Edison?