All About Apprenticeships
Numbers Game
Earning and Learning
Jobs Galore
Toss Ups

People in ApprenticeOhio programs go to work and sometimes to this place to learn.

1) What is a classroom or school?
2) What is a playground?
3) What is the gym?

1) What is a classroom or school?


This is the average amount apprentices are paid per hour.

1) What is a gazillion dollars?
2) What is nothing?
3) What is $18.43?

3) What is $18.43?


Apprentices use these when learning skills on the job.

1) What are peanut butter and jelly?
2) What are unicorns and rainbows?
3) What are tools and equipment?

3) What are tools and equipment?


This is THE most popular job that apprentices choose in Ohio.

1) What is a magician?
2) What is a movie star?
3) What is a construction worker?
4) What is a delivery person?

3) What is a construction worker?


ApprenticeOhio is part of this larger state department whose name you can find in the booth you’re standing in.

What is the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services?


This is what apprentices do while on the job or in the classroom.

1) What is eat?
2) What is sleep?
3) What is learn?

3) What is learn?


These are the number of apprenticeships that are popular with business owners.

1) What is all of them?
2) What is half of them?
3) What is none of them?

1) What is all of them?


Between 2018 and 2023, this many apprentices completed their apprenticeship programs in Ohio.

1) What is 730?
2) What is 16,192?
3) What is 5,927?

2) What is 16,192?


This job involves repairing leaks and fixing sinks, showers, and toilets.

1) What is a construction worker?
2) What is a plumber?
3) What is an equipment operator?
4) What is a computer programmer?

2) What is a plumber?


This is where you can go to find more information about apprenticeships.

1) What is the ApprenticeOhio website?
2) What is my friend’s house?
3) What is another country?

1) What is the ApprenticeOhio website?


To become an apprentice, you have to live here.

1) What is the big city?
2) What is anywhere?
3) What is the country?

2) What is anywhere?


Apprentices have this many hours of on-the-job training.

1) What is 100 hours?
2) What is 2,000 hours?
3) What is 10 hours?

2) What is 2,000 hours?


This is the earliest age that you can start an apprenticeship.

What is 16?


This person fixes cars and other vehicles.

1) What is a doctor?
2) What is a carpenter?
3) What is a mechanic?

3) What is a mechanic?


This is another word for “work.”

1) What is play?
2) What is relax?
3) What is labor?

3) What is labor?


Apprentices learn in a classroom, but they also work a job and earn ______ to pay for things.

1) What is gold?
2) What are French fries?
3) What is money?

3) What is money?


Ohio ranks this high in the Midwest for the number of apprentices, programs, and employers.

1) What is 1st?
2) What is 2nd?
3) What is 3rd?

1) What is 1st?


When you finish an apprenticeship, you get this to show you completed the work.

1) What is a certificate?
2) What is a coffee mug?
3) What is a coloring book?

1) What is a certificate?


This person helps doctors take care of sick people.

1) What is a nurse?
2) What is a truck driver?
3) What is a police officer?

1) What is a nurse?


This is the person who trains you when you’re in an apprentice or pre-apprentice program.

1) Who is your mother?
2) Who is a teacher?
3) Who is the president?
4) Who is Blue?

2) Who is a teacher?


Apprentices can be _______.

1) Who are boys?
2) Who are girls?
3) Who is anyone?

3) Who is anyone?


How many female apprentices are in Ohio?

1) What is more than the fingers on my hands?
2) What is 1,813?
3) What is more than funnel cakes I plan to eat at the fair?

What is all 3 are correct!


This is the best way to choose an apprenticeship that’s right for you.

1) What is ask myself what interests me the most
2) What is flip a coin?
3) What is ask a friend to pick for you?
4) What is jump up and down until it comes to me?

1) What is ask myself what interests me the most?


This person makes sure the lights and power work in buildings.

1) What is a cake decorator?
2) What is an electrician?
3) What is a security guard?

2) What is an electrician?


If you become a nurse, you would likely work here.

1) What is McDonald’s?
2) What is a grocery store?
3) What is a hospital?
4) What is in the garden?

3) What is a hospital?