Intimate behaviors invade your personal space can you name 3?
Hugging, kissing, holding hands, touching, winking, tickling, cuddling.
When should you not hug or kiss someone?
You do not hug or kiss anyone other than family, at work, or in public, especially strangers.
When is it ok to kiss boyfriend /girlfriend?
Only with permission and only a peck on the cheek in public, no intimate stuff in public.
Name 3 examples of sexual harassment?
Unwanted flirting, winking, staring, suggestive talk,making sexual inappropriate jokes, obscene or rude language, sexual comments, repeatedly asking someone out for a date, not taking no for an answer.
Name 2 more tips on how you can stop interrupting?
Don't assume a brief pause is the end of conversation,listen and understand, apologize if you do politely, think about what you are going to say, don't be competive, stop wanting your two cents worth,wait unto someone ask you your thoughts, take a deep breath and relax, walk away.
What rooms are considered private in your home?
Bedroom, bathroom, and your home in general no one comes in less they knock and get permission.
What should you do first even with a family member:
Ask person first.
Can I hold hands in public places?
At malls, movies, dining and when walking but not at work.
What does interrupting mean?
It is cutting in on a conversation you wern't involed in. Disrupting the flow of conversation. Butting in.
Name 2 other ways to not interrupt?
Give non verbal cues, ask open ended questions, let thoughts come and go, listen and focus on what they are saying, stop trying to fix everything, take deep breaths.
Who is a stranger?
Someone you do not know.
Where is it not ok to touch someone.
Private areas unless boy/girlfriend, with thier permission and not in public, but in private.
Can I wink at people?
Winking shows people that you like them, unless you like them it would not be advised to do so.
Why do we interrupt give 2 reasons?
Not paying attention not realizing you are, afraid you will forget what you were going to say, or you really want to be part of the conversation. Trying to relate,change subject to draw attention to self, excited about the topic.
What is a social behavior?
It is how we should act when we are in public.
Who is it ok to hug?
Mom, Dad, Grandparents, Brothers and Sisters, Cousins, Nieces and Nephews, Grandchildren, Aunts & Uncles, very close Friends.
What professional can touch you to foind out what is wrong with you?
Saying things about someone's body with a sexual reference is:
Name 2 reasons why we shouldn't interrupt?
Hurts people's feelings, come across as rude insensitive and impatient, you don't get to hear what the other person was saying, it damages rest of conversation then you don't remember where you left off.
Name 3 social behaviors we should not do in public?
Burping, passing gas, yelling, make loud noises.
Where is it appropriate to give hugs to family?
At home, in public is appropriate for family member.
Can you tickle people?
Family,and close friends and only with permission and when they say stop then you need to stop.
What is sexual harassment?
It is when someone says an unwanted comment, gesture or action that is sexual in nature, about your body that makes you feel uncomfortable, ashamed, embarassed,or afraid whether it was intentional or not.
How can I stop interrupting, name 2 ways?
Recognize and be aware of what you are doing, try to see things from thier point of view, ask self how would I feel,be patient let them finish thier thought, jot your thoughts down on paper, ask a friend to help you by giving a signal.
Name 3 behaviors you can do in public?
Talk softly, play music softly, do not scream or yell, do not slam doorsor drop a heavy object to get attention, mind your own business.