Feb. 14th 2005
A game where there is imposters and crewmates. Imposters kill to win and crewmates have to finish tasks. You can pick different colors to be and wear hats for free.
Among Us
You can watch or make videos with your friends. You can duet and stitch videos. When you create a video you want to end up on the fyp to get likes and views. You can get followers or just watch millions of people.
Whats a baby pig called?
September 1 2006
Whats |-10| + 14 + |-19| minus 7 =
You create a avatar and play with people online. You can friend people and join there servers. There are millions of games for you to chose from. (HINT: a game is Brookhaven)
You take pictures to send to your friends or random people. You can also just text them. This app also tells the other person if you screen record or screenshot the message.
Whats a baby sheep called
November 18th 2011
What's the difference between carnivore and omnivore.
Animals that eat only meat are carnivores and animals that both plants and meats there and omnivore.
You can join worlds and seeds in this game. You have the option to play creative or survival mode. You build and fight to have fun. You can make stuff through your crafting table.
You take pictures or yourself or something else to post to millions. You can get likes and views. To message someone its called a dm.
Whats a baby alligator called?
April 2014
How long can goldfish go without food
2 weeks
You get letters to start with and you have to come up with words to fill in the empty boxes. There are levels. You get a certain amount of letters and words. If you fi in all the blanks you keep moving up and the words get harder.
Word Scapes
This app is for watching videos. You can post your own videos but you have to have a channel. You can get views and comments.
Whats a baby moose called?
March 21st 2006
How long can the Atlantic Salmon go without food?
Six months
You are a leprechaun who tries to finish a level. You can collect acorns to throw at bugs or you jump over the bugs. Its just like Mario but its different you are a leprechaun who collects coins.
Lep's World
Older people use this as there social media. You can message people and post pictures. You can get likes and you go on this app to get new up dates on the world.
Whats a baby swan called?