Obvious Answers
Keep on Truckin’
Shared Water
I’ve Got the Blues
Famous Vermonters

This hall in Philadelphia was the site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

What is Independence Hall?


Semitrucks have this number of wheels.

What is 18? They’re also known as big rigs or tractor-trailers


Lake Tahoe straddles the border between these two states.

What are Nevada and California? If you go to the Nevada side, flying is the easiest way to get there. If you go to the California side, it’s more accessible by car. The Nevada side is a nightlife haven, and the California side is the place to relax.


This marine blue is a popular color of school and airline uniforms.

What is navy? Color is largely a practical consideration. Navy, dark gray, etc. are chosen because they don’t show dirt as easily as light colors.


This native Vermonter is a current U.S. senator and contender for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential election.

Who is Bernie Sanders? He was born in Brooklyn but began his political career in Vermont.


In his hit tune “King of the Road,” Roger Miller sang, “I’m a man of [these] by no means.

What is means?


Semis run on this type of fuel.

What is diesel? Drop for drop, diesel fuel produces more energy and power than gas. Further, diesel engines have a longer life.


This inlet runs between New York and Connecticut.

What is Long Island Sound? The definition of sound varies, but Frank Graff, writing for UNC-TV says, “I did find one theory that it is a throwback to the days of large sailing ships. When one was out in the stormy sea, it was good to finally make your way to the calmer and safer waters of the harbor—to be ‘safe and sound.’”


This European country’s flag consists of only blue and white.

What is Greece or Finland? Most countries have flags with more than two colors. Thirty countries have red, white, and blue flags, the most popular color combination.


This native Vermonter founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Who is Joseph Smith? He claimed to have translated the Book of Mormon under divine guidance rather than authoring it. His successor was Brigham Young, also a native Vermonter, who founded the Salt Lake City Mormon community


This iconic bridge spans the Thames River and is adjacent to the Tower of London.

What is Tower Bridge? It’s a drawbridge, also known as a moveable bridge.


He stars as John David “J.D.” Dawes in the 1997 trucker film Breaker! Breaker!

Who is Chuck Norris? J.D. hits the road in his semi in search of his brother.


This is the largest U.S. state on the Gulf of Mexico.

What is Texas?


This American domestic air carrier has a colorful name.

What is Jet Blue? The airline is a popular, low-cost carrier similar to Southwest Airlines


This Vermont native founded the eponymous tractor and large equipment company whose major competitor is Caterpillar.

Who is John Deere? The company originally sold cast-iron plows.


At some casinos, you must be 21 years old to play this game.

What is 21? The game is also known as blackjack. The winner is the one who comes the closest to 21 points without going over 21.


Burt Reynolds stars as a bootlegger in this 1977 film. On a dare, he and an accomplice attempt to run a truckload of beer while in pursuit by a sheriff.

What is Smokey and the Bandit?


This is the largest island in the Caribbean Sea.

What is Cuba?


This 1945 film is based on the life of composer George Gershwin and is also the title of one of his most famous musical compositions.

What is Rhapsody in Blue? It’s a fictionalized version of his drive to succeed and how it destroyed his relationships.


He was born in Connecticut, but he is more closely associated with Vermont. After the Revolutionary War, he moved to Vermont and petitioned the Continental Congress to grant it statehood, which was denied. Today, there is a large, Vermont-based furniture company named for him.

Who is Ethan Allen? He was so concerned about the British reclaiming Vermont that he petitioned Canada to accept it as part of its country—again he was denied. Vermont was granted statehood two years after his death.


It is the avenue that runs along the west side of Central Park.

What is Central Park West? It’s also called Eighth Avenue. Several avenues in New York City have alternate names; for example, Avenue of the Americas is also called Sixth Avenue.


Big rigs can have up to this number of gears, which also is part of their nickname.

What is 18?


This sea separates Finland and Sweden.

What is the Baltic Sea?


Diana Ross and Billy Dee Williams star in this 1972 film about Billie Holiday.

What is Lady Sings the Blues? It was nominated for five Academy Awards and won a Golden Globe. It also was inducted into the Black Movie Awards Classic Cinema Hall of Fame.


The 1910 poem “If” is among the most famous works of this British author and poet, who was born in India and later settled in Vermont.

Who is Rudyard Kipling? He was born in India, and many of his works reflect his time in the East. He married an American, and he moved to her property in Vermont, where he authored short stories including “The Jungle Book.” He received the Nobel Prize for Literature at the age of 42.