Titanic Movie
On this day in history

This American socialite & philanthropist survived the Titanic disaster, was known as "unsinkable".

The Unsinkable Molly Brown


The 1964 musical starring Debbie Reynolds was about Margaret Brown, a Titanic Survivor.

The Unsinkable Molly Brown


The 16th American president died on this day

Abraham Lincoln


Renassaince man best known as the painter of the Mona Lisa

Leonardo Da Vinci


How many sister ships did the Titanic have?

Two - The Olympic, launched in 1910 and scrapped in 1935 and the Britannic, launched in 1914 and sunk by a mine in 1916.


The Celine Dion song from the movie Titanic had worldwide sales estimated at more than 18 million and is the second-best-selling single by a woman in the music industry. 

My Heart Will Go On 

Because we want to know:

The first best-selling single is I Will Always Love You performed by Whitney Houston.


Famous ship that struck an iceberg on April 15th



King of Belgium

King Phillippe


A team led by this retired navy officer, professor of oceanography, and expert in the field of underwater archeology found the wreckage of the Titanic in 1985.

Robert Ballard - he also discovered the wrecks of the Bismark, the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown, and JFK's PT-109.


Could Jack have fit on that door?


According to director James Cameron, "Yes, he could have fit on that door, but it would not have stayed afloat. It wouldn't." 


This player broke baseball's racial barrier, and played in his first major league game on April 15th, 1947 for the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field. 

Jackie Robinson


American writer famous for such books as "A turned of the Screw" and "A Protrait of a Lady".

Henry James


Are there any Titanic Survivors still living today? 

Not anymore. The last survivor passed in 2009. Her name was Elizabeth Gladys ‘Millvina’ Dean, and she was just two months old when she boarded the Titanic with her family. 


This 1958 British historical docudrama chronicles the last day of the Titanic and stars Kenneth More.

A Night to Remember


This famous cathedral in Paris caught fire on this day in 2019

Cathedral of Notre-Dame


British Actress who has played Nanny McPhee and Mary Poppins author Pamela Lyndon Travers

Emma Thompson


What company owned the Titanic?

The British White Star Line. The company is now longer in service, it merged with Cunard in 1934 and operated as Cunard-White Star Line until 1950, when it dropped White Star from the name. Cunard was purchased by Carnival in 2005 and is now a part of Carnival Cruises.


How long was Titanic in the theaters?

378 days

Released on Dec. 19, 1997, it stayed in theaters for a record-breaking 54 weeks. Cameron's Avatar also stayed in the theater for 54 weeks.


Ray Kroc opened his first franchise of this restaurant  on April 15th 1955



A famous blues singer whose most well-known song is Tain't Nobody's Bizness if I Do

Bessie Smith