First Presidency and Apostles
Conference Humor
Church News
What was President Thomas S. Monson's main topic in the Sunday Morning Session?
The Power of the Book of Mormon
Elder Sabin told a story of his granddaughter who came home and excitedly announced that she had scored 3 goals. The problem was that this was the score of the game?
Who conducted both the Saturday afternoon session and the Sunday morning session?
Henry B. Eyring
Tell the story that Ronald A. Rasband told about him on his mission.
When serving his mission Ronald A. Rasband and his companion were knocking on doors. They were politely turned away, but as the door began to close Ronald A. Rasband put his foot in the door. They felt prompted to ask if anyone else in the house would be interested and before he knew it he and his companion were teaching a lesson in their home.
How many temples were announced at this last conference?
5 Temples - Brazil - Philippines - Kenya - Idaho - Utah
Dallin H. Oaks talked about the plan of salvation. What were the 2 things he said about God's laws.
1. Know God's laws 2. Live them faithfully
President Uchtdorf’s wife told him this was one of the nicest answers he had ever given when he was told by a woman that 3 people were asleep during his talk.
“Church sleep” is the most healthy type of sleep
Sister Jean Bingham was serving in what calling previous to her new assignment as the 17th General President of the Relief Society?
First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency
Elder Nelson told of a fearless young laurel who was to participate in statewide competition the same time she had agreed to participate in a Relief Society meeting. She was told she would be disqualified if she left early from the competition. What did she do?
She kept her commitment to participate in the Relief Society meeting as promised. She was disqualified from the statewide competition. She said later, the church is more important isn’t it?
How many members of the church were announced last conference?
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf talked about Christlike leadership. List 2 of the few attributes he listed.
Compassion, forgiveness, and service
Elder Ballard spoke on goal setting and said his assignment was to speak to us, and our assignment was to listen. Then he said his goal was to do this?
To finish his assignment before we finish ours
Fill in the blank from Elder Soares talk. "Mortal life is a period of _______."
Elder Gary B. Sabin told the story of a scout camping trip when the boys slept out and he slept in back of his truck. In the morning he saw Paul. Tell the story of Paul.
Paul did not sleep very well. He was cold when the fire went out. Elder Sabin said fires do that, but wasn’t his sleeping bag warm enough? Paul said he didn’t use the sleeping bag. He thought if he didn’t unroll his sleeping bag, he wouldn’t have to roll it up again in the morning. He stayed cold five hours so he didn’t have to work for five minutes!
How many full time missionaries were announced this last conference?
70,946 missionaries
Which apostle talked about the promptings of the Holy Ghost?
Ronald A. Rasband
Elder Choi taught us to look up to heaven. He taught his missionaries that when it is raining they should go outside, look up, open their mouths ,and drink the rain; but then he reminded us to not do that here.
In polluted areas
This song was sung during conference. Which song does this line come from? "We are weak, but thou art able; hold us with thy pow'rful hand."
Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah" Hymn, no. 83
Elder Valeri V. Cordón said that after he was called as a General Authority, his family moved to the US and were around many cultural backgrounds. He said when you move to a different county, many of the first generation speak their native language. The second generation speak very good English and some broken native language. By the third generation, the native language is lost. This is called language loss. Then he talked about another language that was the subject of his talk. What language did he talk about?
The language of the Gospel
How many countries/territories was the 2017 April Conference viewed in?
M. Russel Ballard talked about knowing and reaching our destination. What scripture did he use to teach this?
2 Nephi 31:20
President Uchtdorf told a story that occurred during the 150th anniversary of the Mormon Pioneers’ arrival in the Salt Lake Valley. Myron Richins was serving as a stake president in Henefer, He was heavily involved with the plans for the celebration. Then, just before it, the stake was reorganized, and he was released as president. Nevertheless, he volunteered to help with the celebration and was given the task to do this.
Clean up after the horses in the parade
What was the closing song on Saturday afternoon session?
A Child's Prayer
Elder Stevenson taught about the Holy Ghost. He told the story of hiking with his dad and his dad warning him to not climb up on a particular rock. As they continued climbing and looked down on this rock, they saw one of these.
A rattlesnake
How many languages was the messages from conference translated into?
94 different languages