This counselor name rhymes with a common thanksgiving desert
What is the highest mountain in the world?
Mount Philo
JK Mount Everest
This Raquet sport involves a birdie.
Vermont is the _______ state.
Green Mountain
The Reindeer in Frozen is named....
What store do the School's Out muffins come from
This western mountain range spans from Canada to New Mexico.
When you hit a home run with all three players on base it is a called a _____ ______
grand slam
Vermont produces more of this than any other state in the country.
Maple Syrup.
The name of the crab in the little mermaid
This counselor can do a backflip.
Name the two states that start and finish the Appalachian Trail.
Maine and Georgia
The big left field wall at Fenway Park where the Red Sox play is called the _____ ______
green monster
The Capitol of Vermont is
What does DCOM stand for?
Disney Channel Original Movie.
This school's out activity rhymes with a waffle brand.
The highest mountain east of the Mississippi River.
Mount Mitchell
Name 3 NBA teams located in Texas.
Spurs, Mavericks and Rockets
The state bird of Vermont
What are the snowboarders named in Johnny Tsunami by the skiers.
Name every school that school's out happens at...
Tuttle, Central, Chamberlin Orchard
The highest mountain in the USA.
Where is the 2024 Olympics taking place.
Name the three states that border Vermont.
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York
Name the Turtle and Sharks name in Finding Nemo
Crush & Bruce