It all started in 1788. Or 1852.
Constitutionally Speaking
Responsibilities. Right on!
The View from the Top

Rather than Locke's Life, Liberty, and Property, Thomas Jefferson included this statement in the Declaration of Independence.

What is Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 


Most municipalities in Massachusetts are classified as one of these two things.

What are cities or towns?


This is the branch that declare a law unconstitutional.

What is the Judicial Branch?


Not following through on this civic responsibility, that every citizen 18 and over must do, may result in a fine of up to $2,000, imprisonment for up to three days, community service, or all three!

What is jury duty?


This is the amendment that was being addressed in Cohen v. California (1971) where Cohen wore a jacket in L.A. courthouse that said "f*** the draft."

What is the First Amendment? 


This group thought the newly written Constitution created a central government that was too strong and did not want it to be ratified. 

Who are the Anti-Federalists?


This level of government is integral for states like Texas, but is not for Massachusetts.

What is county?


This federal branch is directly elected by the people.

What is the Legislative Branch?


Members of the school committee are exercising this kind of civic involvement.

What is running for local office?


This is the right addressed in Texas v. Johnson.

Freedom of speech/speech is protected even if it's controversial.


This event alarmed the leaders of a young America enough to call the Constitutional Convention. 

What is Shays' Rebellion?


This is where municipal government get their powers.

What is the states?


This is the branch of government that includes the FBI.

What is the Executive Branch?


This important day usually falls on or around April 15 and is likely one of America's least favorite responsibilities. 

What is Tax Day/paying taxes?


This case limited 1st amendment rights in school.

What is Bethel v. Fraser (1986)?


This document limited the power of the English King and later inspired the Founding Fathers to promote a limited government.

What is the Magna Carta?


This amendment to the Constitution is very important to state governments and their powers.

What is the 10th Amendment?


This is where all revenue bills must originate.

What is the House of Representatives?


This amendment changed the voting age from 21 to 18.

What is the 26th Amendment?


This is the amendment addressed in Miranda v. Arizona (1966), where it was determined the government is required to read you your rights to remain silent and/or contact an attorney before questioning them when they are in custody. 

What is the Fifth Amendment?


This plan, proposed by Benjamin Franklin, ultimately failed, but the political cartoon that was created to promote the plan was later used to encourage unification within America.

What is the Albany Plan of Union?


Part of this document's job is to outline the rights of all people in Massachusetts.

What is the Massachusetts Constitution (Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts)?


This is the branch of government that includes the President of the Senate.

What is the Executive Branch (the Vice President).


This amendment, ratified in 1920, provides women's suffrage.

What is the 19th Amendment?


In Weeks v. United States (1914), the Supreme Court decided warrantless seizure of items from a private residence constitutes a violation of the this amendment to U.S. Constitution.

What is the Fourth Amendment?