Class Expectations
Class Vocabulary
Class Community

All directions should be followed when?

The first time given


What is the first warning a student will get when not meeting expectations?

Verbal Warning


When should pencils be sharpened? When is never a good time?

Before the lesson starts during Lexia time or the transition. Never while the teacher is talking.


Group of students and teachers working together for the common goal of learning.

What is a classroom community?


What is the #1 reason that you are at school?

To Learn


During whole group instruction, we raise our hands and wait to be called on

What is speaking?


How might a seat change be considered helpful for a student?

Moves them away from distractions; allows them to get back on track; gives them space to reflect, etc.


When are students allowed to go to the bathroom and what do you need to go?

After the first 10 minutes, and before the last 10 minutes of class. Your bathroom pass sheet.


What does it mean to take OWNERSHIP?

Taking responsibility/ owning up to your actions, words, the work you do in class


Talking across the room to my friend while the teacher is teaching is helpful or harmful to the class community.



What are some items that may be considered outlawed items (something not allowed in class)?

 Candy, Drinks and food, cell phones, cologne/scents, etc.


What happens when you have more than 4 tardies during the week?

You earn lunch detention.


What do you need to have read for English Language Arts?

Chromebook, pencil, Interactive Notebook (INB)


Given an example of how a student may showcase LEADERSHIP in our class community.

Examples: Leading their group activity/ discussion; leading others to do the right thing


Throwing my garbage in the trash can is helpful or harmful for the classroom.

What is helpful?


Scenario: Phil is talking while Ms. Mann is teaching. She gives him a warning and tells him to stop talking. As you starts her lesson again, Phil continues to talk. What expectations is Phil not following?

 Follow Directions the first time their given AND Raise your hand for permission to speak. 


Scenario: Todd is continuously talking to his neighbor. List two steps the teacher may take to solve this. 

1) Verbal Warning 2)Seat Change


You can have this, if given to you by your teacher or you have permission.

What is food, drinks (other than water) candy?


Give an example of how a student might showcase COLLABORATION

Examples: Collaborating on an assignment/ activity; collaborating to clean up the class room of cafeteria; collaborating in a sport; collaborating in solving a problem


Using respectful language with other students and my teacher is helpful or harmful for the classroom community.

What is helpful?


Scenario: Ms. Mann has called on Marshall to answer a question, but as Marshall is answering, Kelly yells out that his answer is "stupid, and doesn't make any sense". What expectations are not being followed?

Raise your hand for permission to speak AND use Respectful Language only


Scenario: Shelly has her phone out for the 3rd time and it has already has been in the office?

A parent will have to come pick it up.


0 or 1 should be the volume in class during what time in order to earn a 5 in class.

What is Lexia time?


Scenario: Stephanie is trying to write an essay for our ELA class, but is finding it difficult to find the write words to put down on her paper. She wants to give up, but she convinces herself to keep going and striving for that A+ Essay. What value is this an example of?

Perseverance-  continuing on without giving up


Rough housing and running around the room is  helpful or harmful for the classroom community.

What is harmful?