This incident is where crooks hired by President Nixon broke into the Democratic National Committee.
This power is to send troops to war
Commander in Chief
If _______ of the 538 college members vote for a person they win the election
Inconveniences in government
Red Tape
Is the Vice President in the federal Bureaucracy?
This amendment determines the qualifications for the presidency
22nd Amendment
Person has most votes but not half
A country may __________ in one product but if the market crashes the nation crashes.
The government is misplacing or misusing money despite collecting it
This amendment clarifies the succession of the President
25th Amendment
This power is to free a convicted person of a crime
In the USA what does 2nd and 3rd place get during elections?
Whatever party wins gives government jobs to its supporters
Spoils System
Manage aspects from within the federal government
Independent Executive Agencies
If the President is #0 who is #3 in the line of succession?
This is the power to deny any bill
This group picks the president over the people
There are how many employed in the federal Bureaucracy?
2.7 million
Government positions are held accountable for actions. Ensures the Executive Branch holds each other accountable.
What is Balancing the Ticket?
Political candidates choose a running mate with opposite views to get attention from both sides.
This is the power to be the face of America
Public Opinion
What a delegate, presidential candidate, or electoral college member promises to do
District Plan
Ensures the government is following regulations. Agencies investigate foul play
Compliance Enforcement
Protects citizens from harm. Such as Environmental protection, consumer rights, and public health.