American Expansion
African American History
It's a Deal!
War! What is it Good for?
Captains & Robbers

This act in 1862 offered 160 acres of public land free to any family who settled on it for 5 years. 

What is the Homestead Act? 


This Supreme Court case argued that separate was in fact equal.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson? 


This President was the one who enacted the New Deal. Come on, you should get this. 

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt? 


The Axis Powers of World War II 

What is Japan, Germany, and Italy? 


This term was given to journalist and other activists who aimed to unveil the corruption of Robber Barons? 

What is Muckraker? 


The Influence of Sea Power Upon History was a book which argued for the establishment of naval bases in the Pacific Ocean, leading to imperialism. It was written by this author. 

Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan. 


This Black Renaissance was primary centered in this New York Neighborhood

What is Harlem? 


The New Deal was enacted following this sad financial crisis? 

What is the Great Depression? 


The sinking of this ship was one of the main causes of the Spanish-American War 

What is the USS Maine? 


This prevailing social theory justified the poor treatment of laborers during the Gilded Age. It was based on Charles Darwin's theory. 

What is Social Darwinism? 


This Secretary of State lobbied heavily for the purchase of Alaska. It was referred to as his "icebox" 

Who is William Seward? 

This agency was tasked with assisting newly freed African Americans directly after the Civil War

What is the Freedmen's Bureau? 


This organization directly employed 3.4 million men and women during the Great Depression. They worked on mainly construction. 

What is the Works Progress Administration? 


The invasion of this country by Germany is considered to be the outbreak of WWII

What is Poland? 


This muckraker wrote "The Jungle". He aimed for their hearts but hit their stomachs 

Who is Upton Sinclair? 


This thesis, published in "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" argued settling the frontier was an evolutionary process. 

What is the Turner Thesis? 


This practice segregated the housing market, pushing People of Color into lower income neighborhoods

What is Redlining? 


This major act in 1938 called for a minimum wage, maximum work hour, and child labor restrictions. 

What is the Fair Labor Standards Act? 


The assassination of this individual is considered to be the outbreak of WWI

Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand? 


This captain of industry (or robber baron depending on how you view him) wrote "The Gospel of Wealth" 

Who is Andrew Carnegie? 


This Filipino nationalist leader fought alongside US troops during the Spanish-American War, but then led bans of troops against them after the signing of the 1899 Treaty of Paris 

Who is Emilio Aguinaldo? 


This community, referred to as "Black Wall Street" was burnt to the ground in a 1921 race riot. 

What is Tulsa, Oklahoma? 


The three R's of Roosevelt's New Deal. 

What are relief, recovery, and reform? 


This famous Civil War General led his famous "march to the sea" in which he engaged in total war

Who is William Sherman? 


This private militia for hire put down various labor strikes during the Gilded Age. 

What is the Pinkerton Detectives?