US Presidents
The Gilded Age
Wars and Conflicts
Economy and Society
Miscellaneous Things

The New Deal was created and implemented under this president. 

Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?


This phrase describes a monopoly which controls all aspects of an industry from its origin to its distribution in the marketplace. 

What is vertical integration?


The Treaty of Versailles ended this war. 

What is World War I?


This political and social movement supported low taxes, a small federal government, strong foreign policy, and traditional social values.

What is conservatism?


During the 1920s, this type of foreign policy was popular, seeking to avoid international conflict. 

What is isolationism?


This president, the head of the Bull Moose party, also fought in the Spanish-American War. 

Who is Teddy Roosevelt?


The Gilded Age saw the flourishing of these organizations, like Tammany Hall in New York, that worked to win elections in order to exercise power.

What are political machines?


This was the name of the primary US strategy during the Cold War.

What is containment?


This plan's purpose was to aid the economic recovery of Western Europe after World War II.

What is the Marshall Plan?


This technology greatly reduced transportation times during the late 19th century, effectively creating a single market in the US. 

What is the railroad?


The Watergate Scandal forced this president to resign from office. 

Who is Richard Nixon?


This theory, put forward by Andrew Carnegie, states that the wealthy have a duty to use their wealth to help the lower and middle classes. 

What is the Gospel of Wealth?


This country allied with North Korea to prevent the US from winning the Korean War.

What is China?


This movement sought to achieve a more orderly society through the application of scientific principles to society.

What is Progressivism?


The national prohibition against alcohol was implemented by this amendment.

What is the 18th Amendment?


This president, the successor of John F. Kennedy, is the best example of liberalism. 

Who is Lyndon B. Johnson?


These are the two primary parties of the Gilded Age.

What are the Democrats and the Republicans?


As a result of the Spanish-American War, the United States gained control of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and this other island nation.

What is the Philippines?


This Supreme Court Case declared racial segregation unconstitutional.

What is Brown vs. Board of Education?


This was the first milestone of the Space Race that the USA reached first. We are still the only country to have done it. 

What is landing a man on the moon?


In 1990, this president led the American defense of Kuwait against Iraq.

Who is George H.W. Bush?


This is the concept that states that the average cost of production decreases as the quantity of output increases.

What is "economies of scale"?


At the beginning of the Cold War, this US Senator used the "Red Scare" to further his political career. 

Who is Joseph McCarthy?


The Great Depression was caused by the collapse of the banking system and the overinflation of this institution. 

What is the stock market?


This successful third party supported government regulation of railroads, denounced the concentration of wealth in the East, and pushed for the free coinage of silver.

What is the Populist Party?