The Intolerable/Coercive Acts
What to do?
I Declare

This group of colonial men and women, were more violent in their approach to ending British taxes [with the men rioting and attacking tax officials and the women making their own goods (spinning bees) instead of buying them.]

Who were the Sons and Daughters of Liberty


Great Britain closed this, hurting the region's economy.

What was Boston Harbor?


The colonist learned natural rights thanks to the Enlightenment philosopher. 

Who was John Locke?


The turning point of the American Revolution was this battle in New York?

What was Saratoga?


During the war, and for a few years after it, the United State was governed by this very flawed document.

What was the Articles of Confederation?


Nine colonies came together and stated that only the colonies could raise taxes on colonists.

What was the Stamp Act Congress (1865)?


Great Britain shut down this, subverting the colonies democracy.

What was the Massachusetts legislature?


John Rousseau and John Locke both also came up with the belief that if government violated the natural rights of man, then the people had the right to rise up and alter or abolish that government

What is the Social Contract?


The reason why Saratoga was the turning point, was because after this patriot victory, this nation became America's military ally.

What was France?


At the start of 1776 most American colonists were not patriots.  However, after reading Thomas Paine's little pamphlet, many of them changed their minds.

What was Common Sense?


After Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, it passed this law that reiterated their belief that Parliament could raise taxes on the colonists, with or without their consent.

What was the Declaratory Act?

This act was expanded - it would not apply to all thirteen colonies and colonists could lose their homes to house the British.

What were the Quartering Acts?


These were agreed to but the Continental Congress - that even though Parliament does have economic authority over the 13 colonies, the Intolerable Acts must be ended immediately.  If not, colonies must began to make military preparations.

What were the Suffolk Resolves?


This is patriot used his diplomatic skills to persuade France to become America's military ally.

Who was Ben Franklin?


This explained to the world why the United States was breaking away from Great Britain.

What was the Declaration of Independence.


This actually lowered the price of tea in the colonies, but the colonists didn't like the fact that they could only buy their tea from the East India Tea Company - sparking the Boston Tea Party.

What was the Tea Act?


This act, passed around the same time, angered the colonists as it reorganized much of Canada by taking land away from New England and New York, not to mention it allowed some of the French still living there to continue with their Catholic ways.

What was the Quebec Act?


The first fighting in the Revolutionary War (April, 1775)

What were Lexington and Concord?

With the aid of the French Navy and it's army, this is where Washington defeated Lord Cornwallis, the last major engagement of the Revolutionary War.

What was Yorktown, VA?


The opening lines of the Declaration of Independence has these lines:

"all men are created equal. . . . endowed with certain unalienable rights. . . . "

Who did Thomas Jefferson get these ideas from?

Who was John Locke?


Great Britain responds to the Boston Tea Party with a series of actions against Boston and Massachusetts - the series of actions became known as the Coercive Acts, or these?

What were the Intolerable Acts?


Delegates from most of the colonies meet for the first time in Philadelphia, to discuss how to respond to what they see as British oppression.

What was the First Continental Congress?


At the Second Continental Congress, even after Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Bunker Hill, the delegates proposed peace to the King with this document.  

What was the Olive Branch Petition? [The King rejected it outright with his Prohibitory Act - which declared the colonies were in rebellion].  


Two years after Yorktown, the war finally ended with this agreement, officially recognizing the freedom of the United States.

What was the 1783 Treaty of Paris?


The date the colonists declared their independence.

What was July 4, 1776?