Popular People
Westward Expansion

Invented by Cyrus McCormick, what was used increase capitalism within the farming community?

McCormick Reaper, used to cut and gather crops, this was a boost for farming in general.


What were the primary responsibilities and roles of women in early 18th-century households?

Answer: Women in the early 1800s were primarily responsible for managing the household, including tasks like cooking, cleaning, and childcare.


What invention highlights Eli Whitney's career?

The Cotton Gin


Which group of immigrants settled in big cities, such as New York, New Orleans, and Boston

Irish Immigrants, settling in large cities led them to be victims of prejudice based of religion and race. They were however very important politically, as they supported the Democrats.


What was the primary motivation behind westward expansion after the Louisiana Purchase?

The primary motivation was to acquire new land for settlement and economic opportunities.


Created by John Deere in 1837, what was invented to plow through soil?

The Steel Plow, which also increased farming used to plow through the soil.


How did the Industrial Revolution impact the roles of women in the early 1800s?

The Industrial Revolution led to the emergence of factory work, which provided some women with employment opportunities outside the home, but also subjected them to harsh working conditions.


Who was "The Father of the American Industrial Revolution"

Samuel Slater, he created the first ever mill, the Slater mill tells the story of the American Industrial Revolution, he was best known for his nickname.


Which group of diverse immigrants settled in North East, and came from a European Empire, which was NOT a nation

German Immigrants. The German immigrants were very diverse, with a wide variety of races, religions, and social classes. They largely settled in the Old NW.


What role did the Lewis and Clark Expedition play in the westward expansion after the Louisiana Purchase?

The Lewis and Clark expedition was instrumental in exploring and mapping the newly acquired western territory and paving the way for future settlers.


What was the most famous invention mainly used in the South for slave labor amongst young children and Women, used to boost American economy?

Cotton Gin, the cotton gin created a large demand of slaves in the south, as both the North and the South used the cotton made which boosted American economy.


In what ways did societal norms limit women's educational opportunities in the early 1800s?

Women in the early 1800s had limited access to formal education and were often discouraged from pursuing academic or professional careers.


Samuel Morse created...?

The Telegraph. Invented in 1844, it was a huge boost in communication, and was one of the first sources of communication in American History.


Since 1970, What were the changes in the "Non-white" population in America?

The amount of Minorites increased, but the percentage of population minorities took up decreased.


What challenges and conflicts arose during westward expansion after the Louisiana Purchase? 


Westward expansion led to conflicts with Native American tribes, disputes over land ownership, and debates over the extension of slavery into newly acquired territories.