The First Americans
Colonial Empires
American Revolution
Antebellum America
Famous Quotes

In all likelihood, historians believe most Native Americans are descended from a group of people who migrated down from this remote northern region.

What was Alaska/Siberia?


These richly populated colonies could be divided into three regions: New England, the South, and the Middle Colonies

What were the 13 colonies?


This famous general held the American Revolution together and came to be called the Father of the United States.

Who was Washington?

The love/hate reactions to this famously controversial president helped to re-energize the two-party system.

Who was Jackson?


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..."

What was the Declaration of Independence (Jefferson)?


This famous Indian nation in the Southwest were forcibly removed in the 1830's, through policies advocated by President Andrew Jackson.

Who were the Cherokees?


The French Empire famously focused on trying to make money off the Indian nations through this famous practice; it disrupted much of traditional Indian life.

What was the fur trade?

One of the first major American protests against Britain was triggered by a tax on this little item, needed on most published papers.

What were stamps?


A mortal enemy of Andrew Jackson, his American System proposed a national modernization of the country in the mid-1800's.

Who was Clay?


"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union..."

What was the Constitution?


This Indian nation was a famous early example of a democratic government in what became the United States.

Who were the Iroquois?


The name given to crops that are grown mostly to turn a profit; they often required intense enslaved and indentured labor to produce.

What are cash crops?


This became the first unofficial government of the United States; it started out as a loose unity government of the 13 colonies as they tried to respond to British actions.

What was the Continental Congress?

Southern slavery became entrenched in the American economy partly thanks to the explosion in popularity and practicality of this famous crop.

What was cotton?


"Thomas Jefferson survives!" (dies)

Who was Adams I?


This 1887 national law sought to eradicate Indian tribal identities by forcing them to agree to a "proper American education" and individual land ownership.

What was the Dawes Act?


The wealth of much of the British Empire centered around this famous three-way trading system.

What was the Triangular Trade? (Explain)


The famous first official government of the United States was weak and ineffective; Shays' Rebellion proved it struggled to quickly respond to crisis.

What was the Articles of Confederation?


The infamous South Carolinan Senator John Calhoun argued that states had the right to ignore federal law, which came to be known as this philosophy.

What was nullification?


"I could conquer (the Arawaks) with 50 men, and govern them as I pleased."

Who was Columbus?


This Indian war in the 1760's famously led the British to forbid American colonists from settling across the Appalachian Mountains, which was one of the first triggers in the buildup to the American Revolution.

What was Pontiac's Rebellion?


This British colony became the center of slavery in British North American by the late 1700's.

What was South Carolina?


The British passed these acts in response to the Tea Party protest, they called them the Coercive Acts--the Americans called them something else altogether.

What were the Intolerable Acts?


This famous protest in 1848 is often seen as the beginning of the Women's Suffrage Movement.

What was Seneca Falls?


"Only a change in mind my dear" (dies)

Who was Madison?