Court Cases
Rights and Citizenship
Foreign Policy

This affirmed the right of the federal government to intern potential enemy combatants in prison camps.

What is Korematsu v. US?


This conflict first led to severe restrictions on relationships between white and black laborers.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


This party rose up in 1833 to oppose Andrew Jackson. Famous members include Henry Clay.

What is the Whig Party?


This policy helped end the rise of communism in Western Europe by providing aid to many nations.

What is the Marshall Plan?


This development in business organization made English colonies more successful than those of the Spanish.

What are joint stock companies?


This case gave the US government the power to limit speech that interferes with the war effort.

What is Schenck v. US?


This movement worked for rights for modern Native Americans.

What is the American Indian Movement?


This was the first legislature in the American colonies.

What is the Virginia House of Burgesses?


This 1794 treaty formally ended debate over the border between the US and British Canada, and the British formally removed their troops from American frontier forts.

What is Jay's Treaty?


This economic theory focuses on pumping government dollars into the economy to stimulate growth.

What is Keynesian economic theory?


This case stated that slaves who entered a free state were not granted freedom.

What is Dred Scott v. Sandford?


This black rights group started by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale advocated for self-defense against police brutality and for community empowerment programs like free breakfasts for poor children.

What is the Black Panthers?


This anti-immigrant party forced Lincoln’s Republican party to ignore the plight of immigrants.

What is the No Nothing Party?


This discussion between Vice President Nixon and Soviet Premier Kruschev argued the merits of capitalism vs. communism on TV.

What is the kitchen debate?


Nixon gave his economic plan this name to increase public support for his administration.

What is the Nixon Shock?


This case, ignored by President Jackson, disallowed the removal of Indians from their homelands.

What is Worcester v. Georgia?


This grape picker union leader created a boycott that helped shape new rights for migrant workers.

Who is Cesar Chavez?


This critic of the New Deal argued that the program did not go far enough. His slogan was “every man a king.”

Who is Huey Long?


This failed amendment to appropriations bill for the Mexican-American War sought to ban slavery in any conquered territory.

What is the Wilmot Proviso?


This 1877 nationwide strike led to a large increase in union power and provided a model for future strikes.

What is the Great Railway Strike?


This case over ferry rights affirmed the federal government’s control over interstate commerce.

What is Gibbons v. Ogden?


This man, one of the first openly gay elected officials, was assassinated in 1978 and became an icon for the gay rights movement.

Who is Harvey Milk?


Betty Friedan wrote this 1963 book that argued that women were dissatisfied with their lot and deserved more.

What is The Feminine Mystique?


This queen of Hawaii petitioned Congress on behalf of independence for her nation.

Who is Queen Lili'uokalani?


This George HW Bush catchphrase cost him his reelection for president when he did not keep his promise.

What is, "Read my lips. No new taxes"?