Labor Unions
This was the philosophy held during the Gilded Age about the free market with no government regulation.
What is laissez faire?
This was the hope and dream of the New South
Create an industrialized economy and rebuild south after war.
The term to describe immigrants that come from Eastern or Southern Europe, in which many were Catholic, Jewish, and did not speak English as their native language.
What is New Immigrant?
The corruption of this political machine was exposed by Thomas Nast's political cartoons.
What is the Tweed Ring or Tammany Hall?
This government policy gave people 160 acres of unused farmland if they agreed to work on it for 5 years.
Homestead Act
Carnegie's playbook for the wealthy to operate in society
Gospel of Wealth
After the ruling of Plessy v Ferguson these laws were prevalent in southern and western states
Jim Crow
This was passed due to economic competition, after the completion of the railroads, and racism in the West.
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?
This act called for civil service exams after the assassination of a POTUS.
What is the Pendleton Act?
Native Americans were attempted to be assimilated into American culture with the passage of this law
Dawes- Severalty Act
The explanation that businessmen and others who were economically and socially successful were so because they were biologically and socially “naturally” the fittest.
What is Social Darwinism?
After the Plessy decision this was the primary justification for allowing Jim Crow laws to exist.
14th amendment is not violated if facilities are separate but equal.
Jane Adams and other reformers set up these within enclaves to help immigrants assimilate to American culture
Settlement Houses
This was the name of the political party platform that called for regulations to counteract the power of the railroads and the Gold Standard.
What is the Omaha Platform or Populist Party Platform?
Struggling Farmers formed what newly created organization to help in their battles against the railroads
Grange Movements.
This strike led to a decline in the membership of Knights of Labor because of the bombing by an anarchist.
What is the Haymarket Strike?
Name two ways that the New South hindered African American rights after the Civil War/ Reconstruction (de facto/ de jure)
Violence / Terrorism
Voting intimidation/ refusal
Vagrancy Laws
Segregation Laws
These two hubs were where most immigrants came to America first before being sent out to make it on their own.
Angel and Ellis Island.
This was the biggest debate point in the 1896 political election in which William Jennings Bryan gave his Cross of Gold speech
This new invention halted the expansion of the cowboy and cattle drive industry
Barbed Wire
Name and explain three prominent business practices that the businessmen of the time did to gain a stronger control on markets
Vertical/ Horizonal Integration
Holding companies
corrupt deals
buying out competitors
This carpetbagger had dreams of reforming and coined the phrase "New South"
Henry grady
Name 1 similarity and 1 difference between the "New Immigrants" of the Gilded Age and the "Old Immigrants" prior to the Civil War.
S- pull factors include jobs
typically unskilled labor
met with hostility and nativism
D- from Asia and Eastern Europe
Not English speaking/ Protestant
creates enclaves and settlement houses in major cities
Williams Jennings Bryan, the 1896 presidential candidate for both the Populists Party & Democratic party, lost to this Republican president.
This final battle marked the end of the Indian wars.
Wounded Knee Massacre